Bossman *E*

*Hub says I am to stay the hell away from Bossman and what part of he does not want me to work do I not understand. He says I have enough stuff to do just managing the crap we do have. ……. I think I get it. Out with the ugly, inwith the good energy! He also knows I am wigging out over the real estate stuff and reminded me to knock that crap off too. He does not understand why I want to test so high in something I won’t be doing. I think that is a very good question.*

Just got off the phone with him, I wanted to know where my reference letter is, he said he will write it up in the next few days. He said "I thought you retired" I said "no, you do not listen to me and it was you that kept using the R word". He claims I missed a class that I agreed to teach and I told him his office failed to notify me of the class. I also explained to him about the SSD part and the help I need from him, he said no problem.

Fuck, talking to that man makes me want to puke. We hung up and then I sat and got pissed and emailed him and told him I will not be teaching for him anymore and that if I go back to work in the same field what does he want me to say about why I left him (just thinking of his ego) and that I will gladly resign from his board if he has a problem with me working else where. I don’t want to be on his board anyway and am just hoping this is an out.

Had a conversation yesterday with the Shrink man and it was interesting, he was thinking of all kinds of things for me to do and reminded me that I could still own a business if on SSD I just couldn’t work it, which he says could fit in nicely. I think he could provide me all the work I can handle.

I have so much bad energy going through me right now…..grrrrrrrr.

 I got to let it go and just get one but with what? I will figure that out because one thing I do know about myself is I just do not stay status quo.

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July 15, 2008

Give me Bossman’s number, I got a few things I want to say to him LOL. What you shrink said about owning a business sounds very encouraging. RYN: oh hon, I enjoyed every minute of our conversation and look forward to more! (((love and hugs)))

July 15, 2008

You get one with the universe. If that sounds like a bigger chore than you want to attack, then get one with Mother Earth. She accepts all comers. But, Jen, before you can do that, you have to be one with yourself and at peace with yourself. Try sitting quietly, perhaps some soft music like they play in massage parlors, and letting in whatever positive thoughts and images you can squeeze into yourmind. Close your eyes. If bossman or any other negative force tries to enter cast it out. Refuse to think about those negatives for ten or fifteen minutes. While doing this do some cleansing breathing. It does not hurt to pray a little either. Your aim should be to allow positive energy from the univese to enter your body and mind. I know this, bossman is draining your positive energy and you should avoid him. Toss him in a box labelled PAST AND GONE and do not open it. Throw all your negative memories and experiences in there with him and may they all be miserable. You be happy. Be well, my dear friend.

July 15, 2008

Listen to hub. Be well, my friend.

Sounds good that you reached the point. Maybe things can’t progress until this was reached. Either way it seemed the business relationship was trying at best. Now ya can smile.

July 16, 2008

grrr from me too I have been grrring alot lately myself

July 18, 2008

ooo sometimes your bossman irks the hell out of me