Poor sick kitty :(
Poor little Layla is sick. The vet thinks she may have a bladder infection. It could be bladder stones but until she pees more than one drop at a time to collect there’s no way to know for sure I guess. So currently she’s on Ammoxicillian (I have no idea if that’s spelled right) and in 2 days I’ll try to get a urine sample from her to take to the vet. Poor little girl. 🙁
In other news it’s ridiculously hard to keep a secret! I think we’re going to end up telling on Thanksgiving as I’m officially past when I had my miscarriage last year (I was 5 weeks exactly and I’m now 5 weeks 2 days) and I haven’t had any signs. I still want an early ultrasound but we’ll see if I can get the OB to comply. Stupid military medical care.
I still have a knot in my left shoulder and it won’t. effing. go. AWAY! It’s making it hard to do things and I just wish it would effing disappear. I try to get Hubby to rub it every day but that’s not helping either. Grrr. I currently have heat on it but I don’t know how much that’s going to help.
I wish my poor little Layla feels better soon. I feel so bad for her. 🙁