Ok then!

I’ll try to update as best I can while trying not to bore you. 🙂 So the flights were not as horrible as I had anticipated which was a good thing. The lady at the check in counter tried to charge me for my overweight checked bag and I fought her on it b/c we were on Hubby’s Orders and therefore NOT supposed to pay for our checked bags (up to three I believe). Anyway she tried to make me pay and I told her that wasn’t going to happen and the other lady at the check in desk told her that, yes, I was correct and if it’s a government ticket (which they were) then we were exempt. She wasn’t too happy about doing it but I didn’t really give a crap. She did, however, give BOTH of my parents gate passes to help me which was great. Monkey didn’t want DPa (my dad) to put him down or hand him off to anyone else so at least all I had to worry about was the other stuff I was lugging through the airport.

The short flight Monkey ended up leaking through his diaper all over himself and his car seat. Luckily I had brought an extra change of clothes for him in the diaper bag and changed him while still in our seats. His car seat however was still damp and there wasn’t anything I could do about it sooo…yeah. Lol. 🙂 In any case he was pretty decent on the first flight except for the constant “Do NOT kick the seat in front of you!” I had to keep repeating. Oh, and the whole him biting my shoulder while trying to get him OFF the plane. Apparently he didn’t want to get off the plane for our layover and bit me on the shoulder so hard he broke the skin THROUGH my shirt. Needless to say I was pretty peeved but also pretty busy trying to get all our crap off the plane so discipline was a little lacking. Ah well.

So the layover we had wasn’t too long, I had enough time to grab a couple of sandwiches from one of the places in the airport. Only after I bought them did I realize they had some kind of dressing already ON them that had eggs in it. Good thing Monkey didn’t want to eat anyway (and that I had a lot of snacks with me for later). Before that I had to go to the counter and have them move our seats. They, oh so wisely, had put us in two separate rows. Luckily though, because of this I was able to get 2 bulk head seats! That was such a blessing b/c I told her what we needed done (to put us together) and if we could get bulk head seats that would be wonderful. She said there were 2 and I was thrilled! 🙂 So I was able to install his car seat rear facing on the plane and I was so happy about that. 🙂 This also meant that there was room for him to sit or stand and play in front of our seats! That was a huge blessing!

He slept for about 30 minutes in his seat and then his head kept flopping around as he would drift off and it would wake him up so I finally took him out and held him and he slept for a while. I’m not sure how long b/c I attempted to nap too. I’d say maybe and hour or possibly 2!

He was very well behaved on the flight save for a moment here or there but there were no all out tantrums which was wonderful. Finally we landed, I managed to get all our stuff off the plane with no help (which was fine b/c I had it down to a science anyway by this point). After we got off the plane (no biting this time) and had started toward the baggage claim, one of the flight attendants from our flight came up and offered to help me. I told him I was ok but he insisted which was really nice. 🙂 He helped me to the elevator that took me down to baggage claim where we finally met up with Hubby/Daddy. 🙂

After that we got our checked bag, installed the car seat in the car and were off to our new home!

It took about 4 full days to fully get into the swing of the time difference but we’re all set now.

Monkey even has a new “big boy bed”. His crib converted to a twin and he’s been in it since our 3rd day here I think? In any case he’s doing really well in it and we have a rail on it to keep him from rolling out (which he managed to do last night but is, thankfully, ok).

I’ll have pictures soon I promise! But first I need a new desk and to set up my computer. Not sure how long that will take. Until then I’m sharing Hubby’s computer and trying to get the house put together. 🙂 Once it’s finally set up I’ll take some pics and post them. 🙂

That’s it for now I guess. Aloha! 🙂


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May 17, 2010

I’m glad the flight wasn’t too bad. I can’t wait to see pictures!

May 17, 2010

hooray! glad to know you are there safe and settling in. Have something pineapple for me 🙂

May 17, 2010

Glad to hear that things are good and you arrived safe and sound.