Hi there. I’m still alive!

So it seems life with 2 kids has completely thrown me into a “I can’t seem to do anything other than keep living and keep the kids alive” kind of rut. Here’s the biggest stuff:

~TJ is now almost 10 months old. WTFBBQ!? Seriously, when did this happen!? I have not kept you all appropriately updated on his and the Monkey’s growth.

~Monkey is about to finish his first year of Special Needs Preschool. He will be going back next year (the school year starts 30July, wth!?). He’s gotten ridiculously big. Seriously.

~Monkey will be 4…FOUR next month! WTH!?

~We moved! Yup. Just to a new house in a different area, still in HI. We also extended our tour here so we added another 3 years to our time. So as of now we’ll be here another 4 years (3 more after the first tour ends next year). šŸ™‚ We moved in freakin’ January. I suck at updating.

~We’re going home to visit this summer. Woot! šŸ™‚

~Hubby is deploying this fall. Boo. šŸ™ We’ve been blessed that he hasn’t deployed since we’ve been married, just that short tour to Korea 5 years ago. But this will be hard on Monkey. Monkey’s favorite person is Daddy. šŸ™ My Mom is going to come out for 2 months during that time but that still leaves a while that it’ll be just me and the kids. Sad Panda. (Ok, I keep saying that and have NO IDEA WHY! Someone please help me out with that.)

~I’m going to be becoming a designer for Origami Owl! Check them out: http://www.origamiowl.com But there’s a wait list for designers (they call them that instead of consultants, whatevs). The wait list is opening up but I’m like #600 something? It’ll be a while before they tell me I can order my kit (which is wicked expensive but I don’t care) and start.

~WE’RE DEBT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally! šŸ˜€ Woot!

~We’re looking at getting a minivan before Hubby leaves. Counter intuitive to the being debt free thing…but at least it’ll be paid off in the months that Hubby is deployed. The mini van will be for HUBBY, not me. I will keep my wonderful Saturn L300 and you will have to pry it from my hands when she finally kicks it. I’ll use the van when people come to visit me while he’s deployed but…still using my car when it’s just me and the kids.

I’m sure there’s other things I’m forgetting. I’m hoping to start updating way more often. And hey, maybe even post iPhone (and iPad, oh yeah, got me an iPad…well Hubby bought it for me cause he rocks my world like that) photos. I haven’t taken camera photos in forever. As much as I want to try to get better at it and take a class….it’s just not going to happen until I have free time. Which probably won’t happen until we’re done having teh bebehs and I have all the kids in school or out of the house. So yeah, there’s that.

*waves* Don’t hate me that I’ve been away so long! I promise to try harder at sticking around. šŸ™‚

lilypie fourth birthday tickerslilypie first birthday tickers

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May 21, 2012

It’s funny because even though you haven’t updated, I still feel like I know all of this. Ah, facebook šŸ™‚

May 29, 2013