What Is Your Thought
Ok so I’m really going to need couple of opinions on how to manage a woman when you think you should ask for their hand in marriage, I know it might sound odd but sometimes some things you think you can easily think through are the things that’ll really be the hardest.
I hope I can get couple of thoughts on this.
Be yourself. Be calm. Be romantic. Be happy.
@kartoffeltorte thanks always Sammy, really appreciate, wish we can talk more and know about each other.

@jasonblake33 Me too.
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I mean, you’ve probably discussed this before a little right? Like it won’t be completely out of left field or anything…
First, get permission from her folks. Old fashioned but very romantic. Then, tell her how much you love her and how you want to spend the rest of your life making her happy. Then get down on one knee and go for it! Don’t do anything gimmicky. Follow your heart and gut and it’ll be perfect.
@drama lol, it seems easy that way, but when she’s the type you’re not really sure if she’d be the right person for you, because she’s been really acting weird, so I don’t want to go for something I’m not sure it’ll work out and not have issue ahead.
Drama makes a good point. Always ask for parents permission first. Yes it is old fashioned but I personally like the respect that it shows to the parents and her.
If you are question how she feels then I think you should speak to her and see what is troubling her and where her head is at
Life is full of surprises and issues, you can never be certain about anything. If you don’t ever take a leap then you will never know what could be and you could spend your life asking yourself what if? If you are certain you want to spend the rest of your life with your girlfriend, and she makes you happy, after finding out what is making her act weird, take the leap.
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I’m having a difficult time moving past the “manage a woman” phrase. And also the phrase “think you should.”
Are you sure you are ready to marry this person? You don’t manage the person you are sharing a life with. You cooperate with, share things, communicate equally. And if you only think you should ask someone to marry you, that seems a bit lukewarm to me. Tell me you couldn’t think of spending any time without this person next to you.
Are you wanting your proposal to be so over the top there is no way she would refuse? Start with sincerity and end with fireworks, or a sunrise/sunset, a marching band – whatever it takes.
@wrecktangle she showed a responsible but just few weeks to when I was supposed ask her, she turns into a completely someone else, well I guess she’s just in love with the new beginning of a relationship and she gets tired of a partner real fast. But anyway thanks for your contribution to this ….. I hope we can talk again some other time if that’s not too much to ask
@jasonblake33 I think you just answered your own question, honestly. Lots of reasons NOT to take that next big step, at least right now. You need to figure out where the two of you are together first.
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