why me?

I hate the tough times in life.  I feel like it all happens right when you really cant have it happen.   I hate money.


That is my motto i swear to it.  I just asked my mom Friday to borrow money and here I am borrowing more money and im not talking little itty bitty amounts of it either.  I feel like shit. It makes me wonder if she thinks bad about me. I dont know why but this month is kicking my ass. 

Rent, car payment, car insurance, renew tags for my car, cellphone, 2 credit cards, electric, gas, house phone, school payment. 

Those are all my bills for this month. Next month the gas and electric shouldnt be that high now that its nicer outside, im taking my cellphone to the lowest plan available, and i wont have to renew my tags for my car which will save me about  $160 dollars or close to that. 

I know i sound like im whinning about it, but im so upset i hate borrowing money. the worst part of it is, I have to borrow money from Chris.  I hate that, it makes me feel like i have to be dependent on him and my mom when I know damn well I dont have to be. Its more of a self esteem issue than anything else. Im not worried about paying them back the money that i borrow im very reliable. I only have two more car payments left and then I get my raise right when my car will be paid off so that is an extra $180. to myself a month.  Of course that will go right to mother and Chris.


I know your probley thinking everyone has money problems. Im just worried about my credit I care about it, its one of the things that my mom told me would have a great affect on my life. Its just something I take more serious than others  I guess.  I dont want to be known as someone who couldnt keep up on their bills,  I also know that one month of being late isnt going to kill me.

I have alot to do today. I want to clean my room and find anykind of money thats lying around and take it and go to coinstar.  I have alot of shit to do.  grrrr…

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Hii…just found your entry on random. I have to agree with you on the money issue. If you have it or don’t it still seems to reek havoc in our lives one way or another. Take care. : )

May 3, 2005

Hi! RYN; the wedding is the 14th…YIKES! Your mom is right about your credit. You sound responsible and the fact that you are upset you have to borrow money only means that you understand the importance of it. It’s ok, if it’s too much, they’d say NO…so once you’re back on track you can rebudget again! It happens! Trust me!!!

no, it was something that was brooding in my heart all day. although, when i did read your post, it was like a match to gasoline. it just kinda sparked into something tangible, something i could translate into words. please dont take my words as an insult or accusation in anyway. i just have to get it out and let it speak for itself.

May 5, 2005

RYN: yes we have “Our Song” It’s korny too lol…it’s called “Shining Star” but it’s the Bette midler version. It’s jazzy and sweet. It gives the older version a new name. We love it and I’m a HUGE fane of Bettes…”honey, you are my shining star….”

May 5, 2005

You’ll get through this month and things will be fine. It sucks when you are going through these rough spots when it comes to money, but once you’re out of it, it feels so good. I know – I’ve been there. I’m glad that I read this entry because it reminds me that I need to pay for the new registration tags on my car. I’ve been wrapped up in school that I completely forgot about it.

Things will get better, you just gotta keep on keeping on. I have been on my own living by myself since I was 16. I just turned 23. In January of this year I moved in with my younger brother and his family. I feel like I’m free loading off him and things. Even though he’s letting me live there so I can get back on my feet and get myself together….

…So I know how you feel and what you are going through. It’ll all work itself out in the end. In the mean time just be patient.