
I have alot of things on my mind right now. I am so stuck for cash. I hate bills!  I owe Holly money for grocerys.  I have rent that I have to pay tommorow too. I have to get new stickers for my license, and I have to pay my car payment and my cell phone bill.  I think I am gonna have to borrow some money from mom. I hate doing that but shes always told me (her and my dad) that if i need help dont be afraid to ask because they dont want me to get into a situation that could cause my credit to go bad or anything like that. I busted my ass to get where im at with my credit. I am like an inch away from having 100 percent good credit.

   I had so many things I wanted to do and get done today. I was so tired because I didnt sleep good lastnight and i fell asleep when I got home from work at 2:30 and i slept all the way until 7:00pm… I was so mad at myself. grr.. good night

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April 30, 2005

Hi, thanks for your note, yes it is quite the list, you should have seen the original! Things will get better. There are always hills and valleys we go through with money, trust me I’ve been living paycheck to paycheck for 10 years and now I’m unemployed and planning a wedding. It happens and it’ll only teach you better things like prioritizing and budgeting. Good luck to you too!

Things will get better. It’ll all work it self out. The problems will only make you a stronger and better person in the long run.