
I moved out on the first of this year. I have to say everything is going ok. My roommate and I are getting along fine and making all the bills on time.  I guess its not that hard when your roommate is your best friend and the only person you feel like you can trust next to your boyfriend. 

    Holly has helped me in alot of ways. I acctually think we are becoming eachother. Scary for her.  We both work full time and have boyfriends.  I feel like sometimes Holly is the only one who will ever understand me and what im going through. I went to the doctors about a week ago and he said im on the road to depresssion.. and this might sound funny, but that depresses me. I told my friend Laura and she says its a crock.  Its just a way for them to make money.  I didnt feel depressed until the doctor said that I was heading that way. I think its messing with my mind.  I like to go out and have fun and do things with other people as a matter of fact this is the first moment of free time ive had to my self in like 3 weeks.  Maybe Laura is right.

I think part of this whole thing is the whole situation with Kelly, and Laurie… Kristie doesnt have much to do with it. It bothers me so bad.  They basically called me a liar and accused me of some stuff that is way out of this world. I cant stand it and now I dont really talk to none of them. Its too awkward. I went to Laurie’s once since the whole situation thing but its not the same so i kind of ignore her but I guess i cant ignore her if she doesnt make an effort to talk to me or to call me or anything like that?. 

Another major change since Ive moved out is my relationship with my boyfriend.  We get along so much better and I feel so less stressed all the time. (yet im on the road to depression)I dont get it. I cant wait until my vacation Chris and I are gonna hang out like all the time I want to go somewhere with him just to get away for  a couple of days but i doubt that is going to happen.   I get my raise in 6 weeks. $12.25 an hour doesnt sound that bad does it? Its totally worth it for everything I do and have to put up with.  My car will be paid off too so thats an extra $180 to myself a month. i am saving my money because Holly and I are going to Florida in September. Thank god I need to get away from everything.

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doctors….you can only take so seriously. if i had a dime for everytime a doctor told me i was on the path of disaster and certain doom, i could use those dimes to build my own road to the moon. no one can answer the question of your happiness other then you. are you happy?

The doctor can’t tell you if you are happy or not. If you feel happy and things are going well for you, then don’t worry about what the doctor said. He’s full of sh*t. And don’t worry about the thing with your friends. Because if they were really your “friends” they wouldn’t be acting so childish by not talking to you and such. Friends come and go. You’ll find someone to replace them soon enough.