The Evacuation of Dunkirk

 I have things to say.  I just don’t know how to organize those thoughts yet.  Today the freezer aisle went completely out.  We had to remove everything to a frozen truck before it went bad, then take it all out when it was fixed.  Pretty much all available hands on deck helped out.  A lot of ice cream was deemed damaged, and the Blue Bell guy tomorrow will probably flip out.  So in the absence of words, pictures.


Piece of mail I received lately.  I don’t know what legally constitutes a "pot of gold" and if it took someone to that point before realizing it is a scam, well then that one should have done it.


Somewhere in there s Rocco.


And there’s Rocco sleeping.

A Facebook sticker I decided to paint a couple of months ago.  It honestly feels like much longer than that.  The concept of time since June has been very fuzzy.  A series of downs, promises to break out and change and bring myself up, and abandoning those ideas when another setback hits.  A cycle of desire to change, but lack of execution.  I sincerely hope this time is different.  I sincerely believe circumstances are different this time.

Rocco is meowing for attention.  I should go to bed with my book.

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September 23, 2013

Yikes, hopefully tomorrow is better! 🙂 ~ Stephani

September 23, 2013

Bed with Nook =o) What store do you work at, sounds like you work someplace like me, at Walmart lol.

September 23, 2013

I hope things are different this time too! As for my situation, my friends been really mature about it and no one(that i know of) has taken sides. They usually invite both of us places. I don’t want them to have to choose one or the other. I wish things weren’t so complicated. Maybe things will get better soon.

September 24, 2013

I would definitely like to know all about this “Pot of Gold” LOL. That is just crazy funny! I love the photo. There is something so simple about it. I pray things get better for you soon. Of course, I know they will.

October 10, 2013

“pot of gold” sounds absolutely sinister, like it’s really some chamber pot filled with urine. that’s the last thing i’d ever want to win as a “prize.” (well, actually, i can think of worse things, but i’ll stop there.) did you scratch it off for ****s and giggles?