The Cat Food that Cost Negative Money

 Work was murder. Many Mondays are. Saving that rant for another day, though.


After my nap, I literally numbered off the Half Price Books locations so I could take advantage of this: (Rocco isn’t much a fan of books)

I then threw a dart at my dartboard and looked up the corresponding number of where it landed. So off to Plano it was! (I actually like this idea a lot, I should use it more often; it would at least utilize the dartboard more often).


Found these:


Needing bread and cat food, I headed over to Whole Foods Market next. I’m kinda a bread connoisseur (or maybe just a bread snob), so a guilty pleasure of mine is trying different types of bread. Of course, costs prevents me from fully enjoying this little hobby, so I settled for a french baguette (theirs is good). At the last minute, while standing in line, I realized I forgot the cat food. Back in line, I wondered why my total for the two items was under a dollar. Then I noticed that the baguette was scanned but didn’t register for some reason. Now, usually, I’m the kind of person who notices these things and corrects them, I mean fair is fair, right? This time, though, I just viewed it as good luck, maybe some karma being repaid back. So I just let it be. So now, I’m enjoying my apparently free bread. Yay!


Then I’m just going to curl up in bed reading about the Crimean War.


P.S. Mesut Ozil?!!! Yes!!

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September 2, 2013

mondays and the beginning of the month are the worssst at work. except when the two are coupled together. ugh. rocco is adorable.

Thanks for your note. :] I wish we had a Whole Foods here. I’ve heard they’re ridiculously expensive, though. I got a free purse that way, once. I sat it up on the counter and I think the guy thought it was mine already. I didn’t even notice until after I already left, so I didn’t go back and say anything. Enjoy your free bread. :]

September 4, 2013

ryn: You pose a good question. I just feel like surely there has to be some way for the international community to help the refugees from a non-military standpoint. Like, perhaps we could send start sending more money to the World Health Organization or UNICEF who are still assisting refugees with basic supplies. So many of the refugees are children 🙁 I just hope that the situation doesn’t

September 4, 2013

escalate. It might be easier to defend a military strike if the U.N were even sure which “side” supposedly launched the chemical weapon, and if more countries where willing to step in with the U.S. Right now though it looks like it would mostly be the U.S. heading the strike, and the loss of life would be terrible.

September 4, 2013

I would think of it as good karma. Enjoy your bread?

September 5, 2013

ryn: thank you 🙂 My job has gone through this since the whole event of Pre-K started up. We lose so many kids for awhile. Normally I know the other teacher will be let go before me, but this year, IDK why my boss is saying things like this. Driving me nuts and as for that wagon…it sucks! lol

September 5, 2013

it’s definately a wagon I wish I could jump off of. the whole dating scene makes me hate humanity more than I do lol it brings freaks and douchebags out on a whole new level lol

September 6, 2013

Ryn: One day. I’v been dreaming of it to long and feel like the longer I wait.. I’ll never make it there. Have you ever had marathon energy bread? If you like bread that stuff is the best.

September 8, 2013

I hoping these bad feelings go away soon so I can move on. It was totally unexpected.

September 8, 2013

I got a free 24 pack of water one time. I told the lady at least twice that I had water on the bottom of the cart, and she said “Okay” the last time. Got home and looked at my receipt like I always do and sure enough she didn’t. RYN: Thanks 🙂

September 10, 2013

rocco has a wide mouth! does it come unhinged like a snake?! score one for free bread, especially at whole foods!