Sunday Adventure Part 2 (of 2)

Part 1 backwards

This begins Part 2.

The next stop on my Sunday adventure was a Eastern European/Middle Eastern grocery store. I’ve been here a handful of times before, but not in a year or so. I love looking at where the various products are made: Lebanon, Croatia, Turkey, Pakistan. I saw some Bulgarian cheese that very much interested me, but I knew I couldn’t keep it cold in my car all day, so it will have to wait for next time. : (

I purchased the following:

Pakistani cream soda. This is like cream soda to the extreme. Quenched my thirst very well in the heat (more on that later)


Fava beans. A little exotic. Doesn’t taste half bad either. I always have been fascinated with Arabic; would have taken a class on it if it had not conflicted with others. It’s such a beautiful and fascinating script. You can even make pictures out of it.

Orange cream biscuit. In my experience with these, it’s about 90% biscuit and 10% cream, but usually the biscuit is sufficiently good enough to not complain much.

Raspberry non-fermented malt beverage. I like how it taunts me with the giant advertisement that it’s 0.00% alcohol. Not that it mattered; I wasn’t looking for alcohol today anyway. It tastes like a sparkling water; in fact, that’s what I thought it was at first.

After that, to a place called Texas Thrift. Big as Texas, almost, and one of my favorite thrift shops because it has a bunch of stuff. And not all clothes (which doesn’t interest me all that much). Found this and immediately knew it was completely calling my name.


Its sister piece, as follows


Juice unfortunately did not call me as strongly, and so didn’t purchase that one. Honestly, I don’t really know what makes something just make me want it. It’s just a gut feeling; when I get it, I often buy it because it doesn’t happen too often. I guess I’ll hang Waffles here in the kitchen or something. Possibly along with the cookie recipe (photo another time).

Then over to half price books. Yes, there are like 15 locations in DFW, and yes I have visited all but about 1 or 2 in my lifetime. Didn’t find the books I was looking for though at this one, although a couple came close. Probably betraying the types of books I like to read, I’m looking specifically for books on two subjects: the history of the Balkans from Byzantine times to 1914, and an account of 1918 and the end of World War I on the western front, specifically, the reasons the Germans started to crumble. Yes, I’m a history guy. I have plenty to read in the meantime, so I don’t feel compelled to buy something, that again, doesn’t call my name.

One more thrift store, which consisted of a really blurry picture of a Monet I saw and two others I debated about getting, but decided not to (and I can’t even remember the artists and works at present; my phone might though). At this point, the heat was starting to get to me. I much prefer going on these adventures in the fall when the weather is nicer, or even the winter, since I don’t mind the cold much at all (another story to tell another day regarding that). Only a few more weeks, and I will enjoy driving around a little more. I already made it through the worst part of the year; soccer has started in Europe, and football here in about two weeks, both will keep me plenty occupied through the end of the year. Now I just need someone to share in these odd, quirky adventures with.


Oh, I did hang Waffles in the kitchen, btw.  Kitchen-ish.


Tonight will be tomorrow (make sense?) Preview:

Oh yes.  Blurry swan.  Must visit before sunset next time.

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August 26, 2013

Cream soda has been my fave since I was a kid, but never had the extreme Pakistani kind. Fava beans remind me & 90% of the population of something to do w/a nice Chianti. Orange flavored anything- Ew. Googling directions for Texas Thrift RIGHT NOW. Waffles rocks! HPB is also calling my name. History books are cool. Take it from a heatstroke survivor & keep cool! Fall is SO much better.

August 26, 2013

You sound like you have some very fun adventures, can’t imagine you’ll have a hard time finding an adventure buddy. Beautiful swan, looks just like my friend. :o)

August 27, 2013

Well, there goes my idea to invite you to one of our big Fish Fry get together’s…. Nope, it’s Brisket Day for you kiddo ! No idea what a carpentry hooker is, will go google. Glad you enjoyed the goat pic, it was fun doing it. And now that I’ve seen what your *ideas* can be like, I’m super excited! Hint, please?!

As far as I know, we don’t have those types of grocery stores around here- mainly big chains and farmers markets- but I wish we did, as I like looking at the exotic labels and products. Is Texas Thrift more like Goodwill or Dollar General? And RYN: I was referring more to how Confession could lift the burden of a guilty conscience. Comparing it to therapy was probably a bad decision, on my part.

August 27, 2013

waffle is totally awesome! you’re right, juice isn’t quite as enigmatic as waffle, but that’s really cool it has a sister! you are so right about the heat here. i’m not a warm weather sort of person, it doesn’t feel like anything fun can happen until september, but by that time it’s football season and all my sundays are booked! it is intriguing that the raspberry drink says it’s 0.00% alcohol. was the decimal point necessary? especially a decimal rounded to the hundredths… someday you’ll have to pick up the bulgarian cheese because that sounds super interesting. i had the misfortune of having some danish cheese once, i can’t imagine bulgarian cheese would be any worse 😉

August 27, 2013

Thanks for your note! Crossfit is a style of workout. It’s pretty intense but a lot of fun. It’s weight lifting, body weight workouts, etc. if you google or YouTube it you will find lots of stuff on it 🙂 I love thrift shops! Just went shopping at a place called Plato’s Closet on Sunday 🙂