
After basically exhausting myself emotionally last night talking to my friend/crush (or maybe its crush/friend), it rained all morning.  It tends to do that right after or during a time of feeling really blue and I see it as a symbol of renewal and change.  I really didn’t want to work today; I was just despondent and clearly didn’t want to be there.  Got into a fight with a FedEx driver because he wouldn’t move a package away from the middle of the back room, which was blocking people.  I felt it a lack of respect he didn’t ask me where to put it.  I ended up not apologizing so whatever.  Downside of this remodeling garbage at work is I’m really stressed and that isn’t helping my depression.  I had to cancel hanging out with my friend Nick again today bc I simply couldn’t get out of bed this evening; I was just too exhausted.  I didn’t really accomplish anything today; just ordered some things from Amazon for a friend’s birthday gift.  

I did take an online quiz, and while these things aren’t always the most reliable, it said I was very likely to have Asperger’s Syndrome.  I was actually kinda relieved.  It would explain a lot, and may help me figure out some things, especially socially, moving forward.  And maybe others, in turn, can understand me a little better.  I may or may not go to a doctor/psychologist.whatever (low on money), though I may to go to one for depression if it doesn’t clear up since perhaps antidepressants may shake this off for good.

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August 18, 2013

I personally know depression can be chemical, but in some, I also think its a choice rather than just chemical imbalance. Aspergers, I know several who have kids who are, I believe it is something you grow out of throughout life. Of course I’m not a doctor, so I don’t have the answers. But if I can say one thing about depression, if you choose to let it come and take over then it will.

I am sorry, depression is not a choice, you don’t choose it, seriously who would choose it..seriously?! Yes some ppl are more prone to it than others. Yes you can get help with it, take medication, have a plan, keep in touch with your Dr, take steps to become more positive, read postive/motivational books etc and yes you can keep it at bay. I have suffered depression from a very young age, didn’t

get help till I suffered a mental breakdown. I’m sorry I take great exception to your remark, even if it wasn’t intended for me. Its like saying you can choose to not have your incurable disease as an example. If I could choose not to have depression, I would! and Aspergers is not something you can grow out of, its similar to depression etc, you can get help support but my 2 children will never

possibly get jobs & if they ever do, it doesn’t mean they will outgrow it. It runs in families.

August 18, 2013

I agree with Leopardess. Depression is NOT a choice and to say so is to illustrate how much you obviously don’t know about the condition. You can only fight it so much, but ultimately you must seek help to have any chance of overcoming it. No one who has truly been depressed would EVER willingly choose to feel thus. And no, people DON’T “grow out of Asperger’s”.

August 18, 2013

It’s a lifelong mental difference. Aspies are capable of an infinite amount of incredible things but you can’t force the brain to conform to whatever expectations you might have of it. Conformity sucks anyways! Since you admit to not “being a doctor”, let me give you a first hand witness account and say people with Asperger’s Syndrome are absolutely amazing just the way they are!