Oh drama!

Minor drama anyway.  My decision to stay away from Sara for what likely will be a few weeks until I can be around her again without feeling those feelings of rejection and despair is starting to effect my relationships with mutual friends.   Being told by her BFF (sounds teenager-esque  but that is the best way to describe it, like I can count on one hand the times I have hung out with either separately) that she doesn’t wish for me to help her move (something I had agreed to a couple of weeks ago) because she it simply won’t work if I’m not speaking to her and that she doesn’t want any drama to happen.  1. I can still be cordial; if I could still be cordial to my ex-wife throughout the divorce process, then this would not have been a problem.  Also, I have told her (Trish) and Sara both this distance isn’t a malicious thing.  I simply need time away.  So therefore 2. Drama would not happen.  I will agree that being around Sara would be counterproductive right now, much as hanging out with them a couple weeks ago when I was discreetly keeping distance was counterproductive.  So I can’t argue the choice.  I think I just feel miffed it wasn’t me who made the choice.  Trish did.  And I do feel genuinely bad I can’t help her.  I hate letting people down.  Just bad timing, I guess.  I like to think I know what I’m doing here.  And that I want to do the right thing, long term.  Voluntarily cutting out the person who might have been my closest friend is by no means easy, and I hope they both realize that.  But if it means thinking long term for once and getting rid of, or at least muting those feelings enough to not get in the way, which involves taking a look at and fixing my own issues, then I think that right there is worth it for someone I want to be my friend for life.


I have a couple lists I wish to create after noticing others do them.  I’m not half-assing it though, so it will wait until I have them just right.  And now is time for music and bed.

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Just saw you on the OD front page. I like people whose faces are on their journals. I avoid drama wherever possible.

August 28, 2013

i was thinking what you said – you are staying away now so drama won’t happen; you have a desire to avoid it and are taking precautions to do so, but a set time/date and a set activity with sara seems pretty benign, exactly your aim as you sort out your feelings. it really sucks that someone else is stepping in and dictating what to do to you. hopefully trish will have a change of heart!

August 28, 2013

Making the choice to not be around one of your close friends is tough. Hopefully, with time it will be less awkward and things will go back to normal with y’all and your heart will heal. I do hate how in these situations, people assume you will bring drama.

August 29, 2013

I’m going to try to see this from what I’d hope is their (misguided) but yet caring side. While I personally disagree w/them just ASSUMING there would be drama, maybe they could just be trying to avoid making things emotionally difficult for YOU? Of course, I have no idea of knowing. I just like to think the best of people. What you’re doing must be insanely difficult & I admire your strength.

August 29, 2013

But don’t think for a second you’re letting anybody down. They chose this, not you. It’s a damn good man that puts thought & consideration into his friendships. Hey! Are you implying that I’ve half assed one of my lists?! (j/k!) Challenge accepted! Though that’s quite a tall order, I may need help with it… LOL

August 29, 2013

ryn: I used to have a stuffed moose back at the house, but I couldn’t find him when I went back most recently for more stuff. He was a good sleeping buddy. I think it’s nice to have something to hold tight when you need to feel close to something and no one is around.

August 31, 2013

RYN: thanks. It has been something that has been in the back of my mind so it has been brewing. Now the key is finding it. That is te hard part.