Lazy Saturday, Busy Sunday?

Arsenal 3, Fulham 1.

Half day at work.

Poetry shared and appreciated.

Good way to start the morning, I think.

And it was. Even got an hour plus of overtime bc no one paid attention to my hours for the week. Except me, of course, I knew when I hit overtime lol. But that isn’t my job.

So I ended up done for the day at work and daily nap taken and finished by 11:30. This is unusual. Look at entry for last Saturday.  Now that was a disaster.  Start to think what else I can do. I could do laundry that I am going to have to do tomorrow anyway. Free up Sunday even more. Or clean the apartment, maybe even rearrange the furniture (a pastime I used to engage in rather compulsively). With the way things are set up now, my options are limited in that dept and so everything has been in pretty much the same place for the last 2 years. Half the outlets in here being dead and the living room really having two legitimate options (and one of them involves putting the tv right up against a shared wall) will do that to you. But I did manage to clean out some old papers I didn’t need and rearrange some books, clearing a couple shelves.

And then I started getting an allergic reaction. Runny nose and sneezing. I figured it was bc of the dust raised up cleaning shelves.

Then I got really tired again and decided to take a second nap to feel good for the evening. I wanted to go for a jog in a park and was looking forward to it.

I woke up at 5:55 to a text my friend sent reminding me of a fantasy football draft. I had already decided not to participate due to A. Not preparing for it and B. Having minimal interest in the concept this year (I enjoyed so much more just watching the games casually with a friend last year at his place and hope for the same this season), so I told him so and he was cool with it. I promptly fell back asleep but not before noticing a headache coming on.

I woke up again at 8:30 with a pounding headache. The kind where light and loud noises are just unbearable. Of course, I look in the medicine cabinet and see that I have no headache medication (although I did see allergy medication that I most certainly could have taken earlier). So after lying on the couch for an hour, I decided to drive over to the grocery store and get some Tylenol, or rather, Kroger store brand Tylenol (bc it’s the same thing, right?). Noticed it worked rather well immediately, and thus I’ve been better off since. Maybe if I can stay awake past midnight I can start a new painting. I have a really cool idea.

Tomorrow, I plan to hang out around Arlington, Irving, whatever, not sure, and go thrifting and stuff. It is something I enjoy a lot, finding funny and interesting things. Something I would do with my ex-wife back in the day, and something I haven’t done as often recently. Still feels kinda weird doing it by myself usually. But that’s kind of my fault. I do have friends who love the same, but sharing interests with each other is sometimes not a strength in my friendships. Very respectful of privacy and whatnot, so I tend to keep to myself and friends do as well around me. And sometimes, we are still surprised when we reveal hidden interests. Like thrifting. Or feeding ducks/geese. Also, Sunday isn’t a common day off for people I know (most work in retail along with me). One is, but I’m trying to keep much distance with her right now. So I don’t have to permanently later.

I want to feed geese now too. And maybe a swan, if I’m lucky.

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August 24, 2013

RYN: One dream a month! That’s so…sad. I feel like you probably get a better nights sleep though. I don’t always dream every night or have that many in one night, or at least not that I can remember. The past couple of nights have been crazy though.

August 25, 2013

Moving furniture around is a great way to get a new perspective of your living space. Aside from the allergy reaction and the short lived headache, it sounds like you had a pretty decent day! And it sounds like tomorrow will be even better! Especially if you’re lucky enough to see a swan. 🙂

August 25, 2013

I’m glad your headache didn’t last long. Yay for tylenol! Pics of the ducks (and perhaps swan) or it didn’t happen! 😉

August 25, 2013

Ah HA! Knew I had you pegged right. 🙂

August 25, 2013

an ex of mine was a huge tottenham fan, so he hated arsenal. i could never quite feel loyal to any one footy team, so for the sake of me being petty, yay arsenal! glad you got your headache cleared up and i hope you were able to start a new painting! enjoy the thrifting (share any cool finds, please!) and wave to cowboy stadium (oops, i mean at&t stadium) for me!