Keep Calm and Carry On

Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!  One of my favorite bands is back!



Today I stayed….what’s the term? 



Work 10 hours?  Didn’t get frustrated. Didn’t flip out.  Not even when I had to stay an extra hour and a half when the last truck showed up juuuuuust as I was getting ready to leave.

And that, right there, means my worst might be over.

My default is happy go lucky.  That state had slowly gotten sick and feeble over the past few years.  The past couple of months I seriously thought it had passed on.  Moved karmatically to someone who would take better care of it.

But now?  Maybe, just maybe, it is starting to come back.  

Hopefully, it isn’t just a visit…………


According to the ads on this site, reading and writing journals makes one hungry for taco shells and cinnamon rolls.  Hmmmmmm.  Just noticed this, as I’ve had my ad block on, but after the issues with the site I have read about in others’ journals, turned it back on.  And voila!  Improved.  Will keep track of ads.

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September 9, 2013

Hope it comes back for good! Can’t wait for it to come back for me too!

September 10, 2013

i’m really excited that arcade fire is releasing a new album. i saw them play live at coachella fest 2005 and it was one of the best performances ever. i still wear my neon bible shirt with pride!

September 10, 2013

ryn, I gave him the mental health info because he is an alcoholic/addict and has expressed an interest in finding a therapist.

September 10, 2013

glad to hear your long work day wasn’t so stressful! i hope it keeps looking up for you and the happy-go-lucky keeps poking its head in your door more often, like a sitcom neighbour!

September 10, 2013

ryn: feel free to read random entries anytime, you have a plethora to wade through! sometimes i question why i do continue fighting for friendships that have been put through the wringer. i tend to grasp onto the idea that good times can continue as long as there are open minds and hearts, and unfortunately we as humans can make it way more complicated than that. sometimes others havehurt me and sometimes i’ve hurt others, their pain doesn’t assuage mine, we’re all in this together, etc blahblah i could write a book about it. my philosophy is to just love and accept with open arms, the door is always open, and whatever happens, happens. the tao and all that. until then i’ll watch, bemused… wow, i’m rant-y. thank you for the random note!