I Guess That’s What Journals are For….

 Whenever I feel something I can’t discuss with anybody, I feel a lump in my throat.  Like I feel helpless.  And honestly, not all the time does talking about it with anybody actually help much, but often it does.  If nothing else, someone else knows, might empathize, who knows might actually help in some small part.  But mostly I just get some small boost from getting it off my chest.

So I guess this is what OD is for.

I cannot discuss this with my family.  First off, they aren’t going to help.  Partly because they can’t; partly because even if they could, their philosophy (and the one ingrained in me to an extent) is that they won’t.  Not that I’m looking for it per se.  I would just like to know where I went wrong.

And what went wrong, you ask?


This is the first time in my independent life I have pretty much lived paycheck to paycheck.  I’m quite adept financially, I don’t make dumb purchases, no expensive vices (unless you count a bottle of wine (sometimes two) a week as an expensive vice).  The only knocks against me are credit card debt (much of it accrued during my marriage) and a car I still have about 10 months payment on until it’s paid off.  Oh, and maybe the biggest one:  I’ve stubbornly still remained in the apartment Casey and I used to share.  Granted, it’s a one bedroom, and that’s part of the problem actually, but moreso than that, it’s a biiiiiig apartment for a one bedroom (at least much bigger than any of my friend’s places, at least those that don’t still live at home, and yes I know my share of people my age who still live at home).  And for an apartment that size, I pay more in rent than I would have done had I searched for an apartment on my own.  And I’m realizing it just isn’t possible to pay for such an apartment by myself.

So the solution is to get a roommate right?

Well, that’s where it being a one bedroom sucks.  A potential roommate would have to live in the den.  A den that doesn’t really have a door (it kinda has one of those accordion doors, but they’re currently broken.)  Or I guess the couch.  

One of my old college friends is interested actually once my lease expires end of November.  But he’s unemployed and not sure how he would exactly pay for it.  One of my other friends (a mutual friend of both of us) has offered to help, so we’ll file it under maybe.  If that doesn’t work, I guess I’m moving.  And that’s a hassle being on the second story.  Some things I may have to leave behind because unless I hire movers, they won’t be leaving this apartment.  Then there’s new deposit fees (won’t be getting the old one back because of Rocco’s like of scratching the carpet) and wondering where that money is going to come from.  And the headache of I won’t be getting time off work for this (what’s the point of having a vacation stored away if it has to be called a year in advance???).  It’s quite honestly something I don’t want to have to deal with.  But I might just have to do so.

What exactly happened to my savings?  : (  It just slowly trickled away, I guess.  

This has definitely put a damper on the weekend.  Another aspect in my life in which I have failed.  But I know others have it much worse than my petty problems.  Just makes you wonder how anyone can make it.  I make over twice the minimum wage and I’m still struggling here.  No wonder a lot of my friends still live at home with their parents.  It just doesn’t pay anymore to be on your own.  Something I proudly did at 18.  And something my brother didn’t do until 23-ish.  And something my sister still hasn’t done at 20.  

I at least know drinking won’t help this time.  Didn’t always have this attitude.

I’m trying to stay positive but this isn’t the ideal circumstance to paint.  Or watch the Cowboys.


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September 15, 2013

I’ just a random noter. I live in Colorado, moved from Texas after living their my whole life in January. As far as “Cost of living” Texas has it sweet. I live in a two bedroom Condo that is 800SF and pay $1600 a month. From TX I moved to Ohio in January, and then to Colorado end of May. In Ohio I was paying for the same $1200 a month. However — in Texas I had a five bed, four car garage

September 15, 2013

and paid $850 a month. That was in a small town just north of Dallas. I worked in the Dallas area, but just traveled daily. Gas was expensive, but at least it was in little spurts. I don’t know where you live, but have you considered moving to the suburbs for cheaper cost of living. I have a great job I won’t leave, but the thought of a transfer AGAIN, is being considered, because of cost

September 15, 2013

cost of living. I am a single parent with five children. My husband passed last May. I have a daughter graduating from College in December from TN. I have one that just started community college in TX, but will be going to Texas A&M come spring. I have one graduating from high school in June, and two smaller children. It is tough. I have faith that things will work out for you.

September 15, 2013

I never know how I am going to make it from one day to the next, or how I will feed the children that are with me, let alone send money to the two in college. I have Lukemia, so I work 60 hours a week, and spend nights and days off in the hospital. I am a ghost to my own children, and pay for a house I am never in. 🙁

September 15, 2013

I so wish I could help you, offer you a better place to live, give you a free room, help you with moving. But you are only but a stranger. A face on the other side of the screen, but hey — there is a door in Colorado if you want to try something new. We will welcome you (grin). Cabela’s is always hiring and what an awesome place to work for.

September 15, 2013

One more thing. James, you are going to be just fine! Make yourself a great dinner, and take yourself out to a movie. Watch the cowboys play with a bowl of popcorn and pepsi. Enjoy your evening for tomorrow is sure to be better.

September 15, 2013

I lived in Leonard, TX. It is a small town northeast of McKinney. The housing there is very cheap. You should check it out. It is right in the center of Sherman, Greenville, Bonham, and McKinney so you can go any direction to eat, the movies, shop, etc. Thank you for your note.

September 15, 2013

If by some odd chance you do move and consider going north (Leonard, Melissa, Anna) talk to Buster Sudderth at Sudderth Real Estate in Leonard, TX. He has great rentals, he always takes care of his tenants, and his houses are very reasonably priced.

September 16, 2013

Thank you for the note, I appreciate the understanding. I think a lot of people belittle their problems, saying others have it worse. But, if it is weighing on you, it isn’t petty. It’s hard to make it period, especially on your own. I hope you find a solution that makes you happy or at least more comfortable.

September 16, 2013

Moving is so expensive and it take SO much time. I have so many deposits and whatnot I need to start paying. Dreading that part, but looking forward/freaking out about the independence.

September 16, 2013

10 months until your car is paid off? thatll def help. i’d think moving somewhere smaller/less expensive would just be easiest in the long run…. but ive lived 4 different places in the past 5 years, so im kinda bias. hopefully you were able to enjoy your weekend without the financial stress bothering you too much. youre obviously smart and worry about the right things… youll make it.

September 20, 2013

Thanks for the note, I just saw it. I do have some odd dreams. I will have to read the entries ahead of this one to see if you solved your dilemma. That’s good that you realize that although things are challenging in your life they could be worse. OD is great for venting