
 Celebrated the end of this miserable month with my favorite meal.


Homemade tacos (with generous amounts of margaritas, hence the title)

A recipe from Casey’s family, modified by us, and at least one aspect of that marriage that will last forever.


Did some cleaning today, able to eliminate a whole shelf; will make rearranging more possible(?) although the TV and computer can’t really move, so kind of defeats the purpose.

I did find this

It should be noted; I NEVER get lost.

I knew exactly where this sliver of a map I found in the bottom of a drawer represented.  It’s where Garland Rd and Miller Rd meet in Garland.

It should also be noted, this particular map is from the 1970’s.  (I love collecting older maps of Dallas).

Seriously.  Blindfold me, drive me around for 20 minutes, and I know where we are.  This was actually done once, so I’m not just boasting.

I once outsmarted a GPS system.  Got to the destination a full 10 minutes before my ex mother in law.


I also found these.

Back in college, I used to walk along the parking lot of the aparmtents.  It was next to a driving range/golf course.  It was how I dealt with being alone.  Walking around the campus at night, feeling emo.  Collected golf balls.  Apparently I kept some.  Not sure what to do with them.

I need more friends.  Not sure where to find them.  This isn;t a strong suit of mine.  Help can be appreciated.

This guy will help tonight.

Story associated with him will be told another time, if at all.  He means a lot to me.


Oh I wanted to add some things to the happy list a  few posts ago.

1. Lisa Kudrow’s voice.  She does ads for yogurt now.  Just her voice makes me happy (I looooved Phoebe on Friends)

2. Sleeping nude (feels kinda dirty and whatnot.  But helps with my self image.  Probably bc it was something I only recently started doing)

3. Tacos and margaritas!  lol

4.  Rocco period. (Not sure if that was mentioned last time or not.)


Next time. (or maybe time after that):  Letter from the Editor Pt 2

Also, give me questions I can answer.  Ask me anything.  The weirder the better.  Personal questions also OK.  It’s an open Q&A here I want to do in time.

Did I mention I’m drunk?

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August 31, 2013

heh, it’s comforting to hear that someone can actually navigate the bat**** insane streets of the dfw area. the civil engineers were smoking some serious crack when they came up with the streets here! that said, old maps are awesome! maybe someday my husband and i could meet up with you and you could show us how the hell to drive around this crazy place! then, using our new awesome dallas driving skills ™ we could go feed some ducks!

August 31, 2013

RE: YUSSsss god, yes it so is. I mean holy **** that ****ing choreography dude WTF. Whenever I watch it I’m, like, ****in mesmerized not even exaggeratin. It’s so god damned flawless. God DAMN it, MJ. ****.

August 31, 2013

Holy **** I’m laughing so ****ing hard at my censored-ass note hahahaha

August 31, 2013

Those tacos look delicious! Is that a duck painted on that plate or am I just seeing Rorschach style stuff in my sleepy delirium? VERY impressive navigational skills! Pinterest might have ideas for those golf balls. Cute bear! Wish I had friend finding advice for ya. I seem to fail pretty epically in the social skills dept lately. Fun list LOL I’ll think up weird questions for ya! Stay safe!:)

August 31, 2013

And coming from a poet, the metaphor compliment is sooooo much more appreciated! Thank you! :o)

September 1, 2013

ryn: Thank you very much, darlin’! 🙂 Soldier? I’ll take it. Granted, the wars I fought against myself were worse than any I’ve outwardly fought, but it’s still an honour for you to use that term. I appreciate that whole-heartedly. Everyone fights their own battles and each of us deserve to be recognized for that. (con’t)

September 1, 2013

With that said, whatever you may have been through in your own past, just know it was worth it. You’re someone’s reason to smile every day and your life means quite a lot to others, even if you don’t realize how much. Also, know that you’ve completely made my day with your comment and your compliment. So I thank you. 🙂 *hugs!!* Feel free to drop in any time.

Curious to know the history of the bear… Here’s some questions: – What’s your favorite song? – Do you make faces at yourself, in the mirror, for laughs? – Did you collect Pokemon cards as a kid? – Why did the chicken cross the road? – Have you ever used a Ouija board? – Do you play an instrument? – What was the last thing that you made with your own hands?

September 1, 2013

Everyone needs a little drunken writing every once in a while. I also, I need help making friends too. I’m about to move to a new city and it freaks me out. It’s not that I can’t make friends, it’s just that I’m a total introvert and have trouble meeting people.