Assorted Thoughts

 I seem to be followed by swans now.  I see them everywhere.  I’ve seen more of then in the past month than I might have ever seen in my life.

The biggest challenge in changing yourself is that it simply isn’t a self process.  Not entirely anyway.  Even the internal changes in one’s life must be supported and assisted by others.  Even if the ways in which they;re needed are not entirely clear.

Today I pretty much have to decide if I’ll continue living alone or if I’ll have a roommate for financial flexibility.

This is quite honestly the most stable I have been since…..well……July?  December?  It’s been awhile regardless.  Two months ago,  I didn’t want to go on anymore.  I haven’t had those thoughts since.  By no means are my demons gone or any less imposing.  They’re just…..a little less overwhelming?

I never see myself as good of a person as my friends see me.  So why am I surprised when others don’t see themselves the way I see them?  Just a lot of negativity.  We should just all trade notes and affix it to our jackets and that is who we are.  No more knocking ourselves, especially when our own views of ourselves couldn’t be further from the truth.


Arsenal 2, Swansea 1  All alone top of the table!!!!

Shyness is first to be tackled.  Who knows, perhaps all I ever wanted was here all along and I just need to overcome this to unlock that potential.  Remember that one, I’m going to get back to it later.

I went on an adventure yesterday.  This one was shared : )  I’ll talk about that soon also.

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Are you sure that shyness is what you have to work on? People laugh when I tell them that I’m not shy but guarded. There is a difference, though. Timid people tend to feel insecure while around others, so they don’t speak up. Guarded people are content or happy with who they are and don’t want other [potentially] vicious or miserable people wrecking that. Guarded people are loners by choice.

September 29, 2013

I liked your earlier theories on the swans. A good friend is willing to help you, regardless of what they must do to accomplish that. It’s far more difficult to allow the best parts of ourselves to outweigh what we perceive to be the worst parts. But your idea is nice, however you’d have a jacket fashioned of nothing but nice notes. Shyness is first-got it. And what’s this? An adventure?! 😉

September 29, 2013

I need to tackle my shyness too! Such a struggle being an introvert sometimes. Maybe I’ll get better when I move and am forced to make new friends.

September 29, 2013

You are so correct! It is terribly hard for us to see ourselves as others see us. We live with our demons that no one else can see (or should ever figure out). Our demons are natural to our lives though, we have to remember that everyone carries them, but only we can see them.