
My friend is moving and wanted me to deliver some empty boxes, since with my job, I have access to a perpetual supply of boxes available. I decided to be a little selfish, but also though it was a legitimate question, and was not really interested in going anywhere after the week of work I had, and texted why I needed to drive over and deliver something that she needed. She replied that if it bothered me to drive over there, that she could pick them up from me. And it isn’t that she lives far (only 10 minutes with no traffic), but I was expressing the principle of it. People don’t bring things I need to me. I have to get them. So meet me halfway and come get the boxes. Fair enough? Or being petty? And honestly, I had a very difficult time figuring out if she was upset, sarcastic, or understanding. I think honestly, she was more surprised that I was basically telling her I didn’t feel like delivering them right now.  I’m used to bending over backwards for my friends, but today, notsomuch.

I wondered where the fine line of being a good friend and respecting my legitimate need to rest is and where I stood on it at that point.  Do my friends now expect me to bend over backwards and do anything for them?  Because, usually yes, and I am usually happy to do so.  But where’s the line drawn that I’m being taken advantage of exactly?  This was my concern, not over some silly boxes, but in the larger context.

I’m very expressive with certain things, but my friends are often completely in the dark in the more mundane details of my feelings or thoughts or actions. As in, they are often are surprised when I tell them how I feel. I mean, Sara was surprised when I told her I was kinda upset with her, and then I realized, you know, I made that somewhat clear to many people, and clear as day to myself, but never to her. And I do this all the time. This is why I wouldn’t be surprised if I had Asperger’s. I just kind of assume others know how I feel, even if I have absolutely no clue a lot of times how others feel. I have difficulty expressing emotions oftentimes. I’m not your typical unfeeling “I don’t want to share my feelings” guy.


Oh no. Not at all.


Emotions are like a bolt of lightning in the sky of my life. They may not take up much space in the whole canvas of the night, but my eye is drawn immediately to them. And the way I express them is beautiful yet mysterious and dangerous at the same time. And like summer lightning in Texas, it doesn’t happen often enough, but when it does, it usually comes fierce.

I need to continue working on writing something. Another instance of taking the long winding road of trying to express thoughts that are probably better served just being direct with.


I’m probably going to cuddle up with a crossword puzzle and some music tonight though.

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August 23, 2013

You’re entitled to feel however you do. Every once in a while, people have to re-examine the defining lines of give & take in their friends & relationships. It’s too easy to take others for granted when you’re used to them being there all of the time, the occasional reminder to not do that, even in a small way, is a good thing for all involved. Teaches appreciation. True friends will understand…

August 23, 2013

And this Sara lady sounds like a pretty good one so far! I love the emotional lightning analogy and I think it’s fascinating. Sometimes the long winding road is exactly what’s called for, whatever is said means more when you put actual time & consideration into it. At least you try. Hope it comes out the way you want it to! Crossword puzzles with music sounds like a nice relaxing time!

August 23, 2013

meeting people halfway is the very definition of friendship. sometimes you have to deliver the boxes, sometimes the boxes get picked up, but in a true friendship it all evens out and no one should expect you to simply give in to their demands. you have every right to not want to deliver boxes to someone, and sometimes you just have to let it be known that the boxes are going to just have to wait! sounds like a wonderful friday night is waiting for you! 🙂

August 23, 2013

*waves* Been reading your entries lately and just wanted to let you know I have you bookmarked. =)

August 23, 2013

My roommate for the last few years had those tendencies. I didn’t mind helping her out when she asked, but she could at least meet me half way on things. When I ask for a favor I try to make it as little trouble as I can on the person. Hope you have that late night text message feeling soon too 🙂

August 23, 2013

oh ive been asked to save boxes plenty of times. my response is always “when are you coming to get them?” i think it says more about the other person than it does about you. youre doing them a favor… they should be making it easiest for you… not expecting you to go out of your way for them. thats rude. youre a good friend. too good. hope youre enjoying your relaxing night. i dont know about the dfw, but we’re having one of those beautiful, fierce summer lightning shows down here.

August 24, 2013

It’s always difficult to express ones feelings, i have that trouble because it always seems to never come out exactly right or sounds better in my head Feel free to copy my stuff, let me know if it works lol Somedays I don’t understand men, most days women, but I’ll still try Best Regards,