
I mentioned before you can either stay in bed, talk to a friend, or try to blend in with the world to deal with feelings of sadness.  Today, I had a chance and resolved to get out of the apartment.  Jogged around in a neighborhood I had never been around before.  Really nice houses, and a bizarre street layout made it kind of an explorative adventure.  I’m certainly in no need to burn a ton of calories, but I like how jogging makes me feel.  It makes me feel accomplished, knowing I’m doing something good for my health.  I like being outside, when it isn’t incredibly hot. Looking forward to fall, when I can sit out on the porch with my crossword puzzle and relax.

Afterwards, I drove over to Half Price Books.  If you’ve never heard of this place (there aren’t a whole bunch outside of Texas), it’s a giant used bookstore where you can just about find anything about anything.  I haven’t been a voracious reader for many years; I would visit here to find used cd’s and dvd’s, especially as my tastes exploded in music after I moved out from my mom’s house.  Music was never my family’s thing. Now, listening to music the first couple hours of my shift at work is the only thing that has kept me from going crazy over there.  But recently, I’ve begun to take up reading again.  A little weird, but I much prefer nonfiction.  I read mostly history.  The one I’m reading right now is about a bunch of historical what-ifs and how easily things could have changed.  Fiction never interested me much.  Not sure why.  I’m usually really picky about books, so if I find even one I have a really good feeling about, then I buy it.  This time, I found several, more than I ever remember finding before.  Then there was this.


Not purchased, and yes my headphones got in the way, but I did a double take when I saw it.  I’ve had one experience with goats in my life. They chased my ex around, and I mostly stood filming it and laughing,  I still can’t find that camera or that footage sadly. 


Afterwards, I had no real plan on where to go.  I just decided to wing it, and my gut said Whole Foods (an organic-centric grocery store), but I debated too long and passed it.  Decided instead to go to Fiesta, a hispanic grocery store.  Oh wow, I’ve been there before, but they revamped the place!  All these items I’ve never heard of or seen before, especially of the Peruvian persuasion.  When I get more money, I’ll definitely investigate.  

Bought this though.

Banana cola!  Didn’t taste much banana though.

Spent the evening with my friend eating wings and watching television.  Something I need to do more often.  I’m a lot like my cat, Rocco.  I’ll go hours without seeing or hearing a peep from him, then all of a sudden, he’ll curl up on my lap and follow me around purring loudly whenever I pet him.  Then after a little bit, he’ll disappear again.  I can’t decide if he’s more independent or starving for attention and affection.  And I can’t decide that about myself.  I can go long stretches without touching base with my friends, acting like everything’s just fine, then for stretches, I’ll be incredibly needy and mope around if no one is free and wanting everyone’s attention and affection.  I don’t know if Rocco got that from me, or maybe I got that from him……

I’m going to start writing again.  I have an idea, just need some time to figure out the details.

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August 21, 2013

I am fully prepared for a rough hangover tomorrow morning. advil and glass of water by bed will be ready.

August 21, 2013

i looove half price books! what part of dfw are you from? im from mesquite, but currently living in college station. we just got a new half price books here not too long ago, but the selection here isnt nearly as big as the one back home. Fiesta…. lol havent been to one of those in a while. have you been to a Central Market? i think everyone goes through alone/needy phases. at least youand rocco have each other… when hes not hiding.

August 21, 2013

I get what you mean about the way jogging makes you feel. I hear it’s b/c endorphins released but really I think it’s just from curiosity being piqued. (Look! Something new!) Half Price Books=My Worst Addiction. I read a mixture of fic/nonfic & my music tastes swing wildly. HPB is fun like thrift stores, you never know what cool stuff you might find! Regular sized goats weird me out, but I love..

August 21, 2013

pygmy goats, they’re so cute! Whole Foods is like the greatest grocery store ever. Been to exactly one Fiest supermarket my whole life. Got laughed at when I inquired as to how the hell did they eat the cactus in the produce section. If it didn’t taste like banana… what DID it taste like?! Friend time is important. That’s cute that your cat takes after you like that LOL

August 21, 2013

Yes, I’ve decided on the Dallas location now, with the help of friendly advice. People seem to be coming out the woodwork to let me know about the area & it doesn’t seem too bad. Your crafty sentence helps me none in picking a craftable craft that I can get crafty while crafting away at it. I must know where this swan is tho… While I love animals in general, cats are my fave for pets.

August 22, 2013

Yes, Kelly’s does have another location in Plano, it’s on Ave K. I liked it, tho it was a bit loud inside. Hee hee, that sounds like one hell of a bday… you can’t even remember which one it was or anything except the asparagus! Must’ve had fun! 😀 Asparagus is very nummy btw, especially when it’s bacon wrapped! Never been to Snuffers.

August 22, 2013

I agree with your sentiments regarding the rate of illiteracy levels and the “sugar mama/daddy” thing. I can’t imagine not being able to immerse myself in a good book, having my imagination play out the scenes better than any movie. As for the latter… it’s just ignorance and greed. Aww, I’ve never been called brave, inspiring and deserving of a hug before! That was very nice of you! THANK YOU!:)

August 23, 2013

the fact that anyone wrote a book called “the idiot’s guide to raising goats” makes me want to go out and raise goats, because that means i could do it! it’s a shame you can’t find the ex-being-freaked-out-by-goats footage, i think that’s a pay-worthy sort of film! i completely relate to you about wanting to be alone on your own terms and then suddenly needing the social interaction. ioften wonder if it’s a human race thing or just an introvert kind of thing.