Spontaneous Muse

I wrote this for Ceir while she was sick, inspired by her away message (the first line), and liked it so much that I wanted to post it here. 🙂

Something is sitting on my chest,
You said,
Breath shallow and
eyes ragged from the same fitful
as me
I see it,
I said,
Skin mottled like cantaloupe,
watching you with sharp eyes and edged thoughts,
piercing the flesh of your will;
It reaches for you, it seethes,
a vine on your trellis,
I try to stop its grasp,
but my hand? A ghost
dissuading it not at all;
a trade offered
but unseen, unfelt
for you are its prize
Rest, Ping,
I whisper,
smoothing your hair
from your brow,
marshal your forces against this
let its knives break upon your steel,
let the stores of your spirit starve it dry,
let it rage and howl outside your walls–
while inside we smile
and laugh
and eat grapes.

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