Well, at Least My Ox is Okay.

MY OX IS BROKEN! THIS IS BULLSHIT! (Hee!)Well, that’s just peachy fucking keen. I don’t have the time or the motivation to write a proper entry right now, nor have I for the past week or two. Which is why I’m just finding out now that my diary is, well, missing.

You know, this has been going on for a long, long time. People have been hacking into this site and deleting entries for years and years and years — it happened the week after I first joined this site back in 2000 and it never seems to have stopped. You’d think that by now, they would have learned their lessons and switched to a different form of database — preferably something involving MySQL and PHP. But no, I suppose that’s too much to ask. My entries had better be coming back — I do have several of them saved on my computer, but it’s the notes that I really care about.

On another note, I use these dashes way too often — see?

Anyhow. I’m going back to my parents’ house (yes, again) tonight to celebrate my holiday (L’Shana Tova, to those of you who know what that means. And also to those of you who don’t,) and I’m staying for the rest of the weekend afterwards as well. When I come home, I should be interesting again. Of course, that’s assuming I was ever interesting in the first place.

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Happy New Year!

September 17, 2004

I had to goggle that holiday. I like learning things, it’s cool;) I’m glad to see you’re still here, even if you don’t have much motivation at the moment. I’d miss you if you left for good!

September 17, 2004

Just checking in… did I know you under a different name? In any case, welcome back! *hug*