Dreaming, Wide Awake.

I dreamt last night. I dreamt that I was lying in bed and that there was some nameless, faceless, person lying beside me, and we were asleep next to one another. And then I awoke, and in the instant before I opened my eyes I hoped that the dream was reality, that the loneliness of what I thought was reality was a dream, and that when I looked I’d see somebody there. I lay there for five minutes before I opened my eyes, and when I did, I was alone.

The mornings are only the worst times on the weekends. The real worst times are the weekdays at five o’clock in the afternoon, when I leave from work knowing that in a half an hour, I’m going to have to walk into my apartment and it will be empty. There will be nobody there waiting for me, and nobody coming to see me, and nowhere for me to go to get away from it. So I sit on the couch and eat unhealthy food and pull out my hair while I watch bad television and think about going out to a bar or taking a class so that I can meet new people to change all this, but it’s too hard. New people never last.

It used to be easier than this. People used to tell me that I was special, and different, and any number of other superlative adjectives. They told me that they couldn’t live without me and I sent them all away because I wanted to be left alone. They seem to be living without me just fine now. It makes me wonder.

I ran away from school when things got too hard, and I did it under the guise of attacking the education system. And then I ran away from home when it was too depressing there, and I claimed that it was because I was seeking my independence. There aren’t excuses anymore. If I run away this time, it’s because I’m running away. It’s because I’m too chickenshit to dig myself out of this pit and it’s easier to go someplace where I can pretend to be somebody different and nobody will know any better. But it only takes a year or two before they figure out that I’m pathetic and I’m never going to change. So I’ll stay here. It’s less work.

I can change where I live, and I can change how I act and how I look, but the one thing I’ve never been able to change is how I feel. So I figure, I’ll just stop feeling. That’ll hurt less. Right?

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May 22, 2005

You’re right. If you stop feeling, you won’t be in pain. But, you won’t feel happiness, either, and that’s what we long for. That’s what we hang in there for.

May 22, 2005

=( Cheer up, bugga boo.

May 23, 2005

I don’t think anyone ever has thier shit together. We just make due with what we have. Anyway I hear you. Personally, I’m not looking for inspiration to carry on, but I’d sure like an affirmation that I’m not totally f’ing up my life. Those kinds of messages are few and far between though, and go against the total concept of faith and hope. I guess I’m just saying, confidense is all we have.

May 24, 2005

I still <3 you, and I miss you, even though we never did any real hardcore hanging out. Tell your mystery man I said hi. 😉 You and the other SANE people I know from Jersey are such a breath of fresh air compared to the stale b.s. that is seeping around the waterways in groups. It means a lot to have a friend who is there, even if I don’t talk to them everyday.

May 29, 2005

It’s the willingness to walk through the whole range of human emotions that makes life rich. I can’t change the way I feel, but I can change the way I think and act, and THAT changes the way I feel. I admire the authenticity of your writing. Hang in there, kiddo!