I know, its been a while. This semister has been nut.
I find things to be very amusing at times on campus. I am currently in the final weeks of my appointment as Chief Justice of the Student Court here at school. The Student Government is preparing for elections next week and man what a mess. I do find it amusing that people questioned if I was returning then when the ballots came out I wasn’t on them, they stopped asking.
I have made it known that I have been offered the position of president by two diffrent clubs in addition to keeping my very visible job as host of the campus coffeehouse. Hmmm I will know whats going on but be beyond the reach of the student government.
Expecially since the Student Government has put out a rewrite of their constitution up for referendum. And buried in it is the ablity for the student body to call for a recall election for any member of the student government.
Oh to know what I know now and have the ablity to play the ultimate watchdog with those guys. This can be fun.
Expecially knowing who wanted me to be the president.