Its been a wild ride



Oh its been nuts here.  I’ve been really sick and am not sure why.  Horrible headaches (I am thinking its being in these wonderful buildings all the time) and just run down really badly. 


I am falling behind in Political Science and have zero energy to do anything required to play catch up.  Ugh.  Microeconomics is kinda making sense but I just have to pray I can get through the test on Wednesday.  Psychology is suprisingly easy along with History.  Of course my minor/major classes need to go well for me.


I am ready to kill the people at the SGA.  I am a Justice of the Student Court and have to bite my tounge.  But I did get to talk to the SGA pres and we are agreeing on the issues at hand.  It looks like another senator is possibly facing impeachment and the chief Justice told me its up to me to tell him that his name has come up in that context. 


I was taped performing at our campus coffeehouse the other night for a dvd the are putting together for the shuttle buses.  There goes my ablity to be another faceless student in the crowd.


And her.  I am not sure what to say about her.  She is on my mind but seems to be going in the other direction from me.  So I don’t know.  I saw her on Wednesday when I went to Pizza With the President (chance to bitch at the university president about problems on campus) and then she kinda dissapeared.  She is very shy and quiet and I am scared that I scared her away or something like that,  Ugh.  As one of the notes said, love sucks.


I might have my roommate picked for next year.  We talked and like the situation.  Just trying to get 2 more guys so we can get us an appartment in the building I am living in now.  I wanted the building he is living in but he tells me its too much of the partying the drinking and all that.  And that while its going on in my building its quieter over here.


Okay thats quite a bit out of me.

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February 25, 2008

Thank you for your note.. I hope you do well on your test.