Welcome back to real life…

Kyle broke up with me. After weeks of the worst fighting ever and us being miserable we ended it.

I’ve seen it coming for weeks now but I’m still in shock. I’ve been so comfortable and dependent for so long…
And I fucking hate people. I hate going to parties and bullshitting around social affairs. But I’ll go nuts if I don’t make some friends to distract me from this shit. I don’t really have family support for this kind of thing, and Kyle has just been avoiding being home at the same time as me.

Life changes so fast. Too fast. I’m not ready. I don’t want to go out into real life… mehhhh

Oh and did I mention I had an accident with a campus police car?

 I wanted to go shopping because I haven’t bought anything other than my computer so far with my refund, and I was hoping to cheer myself up. Downtown was packed (because you can’t buy alcohol in stores on Sundays in Indiana and everyone in my town is an alcoholic) and I couldn’t find a parking spot anywhere. I started to get frustrated and I started crying. I turned back to go home and stopped at this intersection that apparently wasn’t a 4-way. I stopped, and didn’t notice the cop car that was coming from earlier didn’t stop… because he didn’t have a sign… and he hit my bumper and knocked out his headlight.

I also didn’t have insurance at the time because I forgot to get it turned back on with my school monies…

So now I’ve already spent 1,000 dollars on a 6month premium and fines so I could get my car back and I still have the repair bill coming from the university.

And this is all coming from the money I have to use now to rent an apartment.

It reminds me of being a freshman and going out to live on my own for the first time.


Everyone seems to think I should be taking this fine, or something. Tara came over to hang out with me the night it happened, an hour late. She later ended up telling me that it was because she and Tom had a quicky– which was the first time they’ve had sex in almost 6 months by the way, and she was just talking about how she was unhappy and they were probably going to end it soon– and that she is so happy and they’ve been talking about marriage and babies lately. FML.

Today I’m going to busy myself with homework. I woke up early and took care of my car shit and played on the interwebs. I also want to go to the gym but I think it might be closed for the holiday. At least during the school year there is plenty to do. I know I’ll be fine but it’s going to be so hard. 360 lifestyle change ftw.

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September 5, 2011

Shit man, breaking up hurts. Especially if you don’t have a support system. Believe me. I understand completely not having a support system. I’d be mindfed if I didn’t have my support system right now.

September 5, 2011

Mindfu cked?

September 6, 2011

Sorry about your breakup, I know its hard to move on and see what else is out there

September 6, 2011

oy, so sorry about kyle. that’s the dangerous part of putting all your eggs in one basket (or in this case, your attention towards one person in your life), you are lost when something goes wrong and its taken away. good luck, you’ll be OK. and if you’re going to busy yourself, homework and going to the gym are two great options! xx

Sorry to hear about Kyle. Its horrible to go through breakups. If ya need to talk let me know. For now try to hang in there.