Hopefully this list will make me feel like I’ve completed something and thus will stop stressing so bad… doubt it.

-Tomorrow I need to fax a paper to the BMV saying I completed my driving course

-I’m waiting to hear back from Safe Auto about getting my SR-50 (high risk insurance)

-I have to borrow 225 from my grandma to pay the BMV for reinstatement fees

-I’m waiting to hear back from IU to see if they’re going to let me keep my financial aid… more than likely I’ll have to go back to Bloomington to gather my "proof" for my appeal ie doctors notes etc, and turn it in to them

-I need to pick a place to live before January, lol, and go visit it and sign a lease and pay the first month’s rent

-I have some weird rash on my chest that I need to get checked out sometime soon >.>

-Hopefully my period comes soon …. although I SHOULDN’T be pregnant considering I took the Plan B pill

-My application was approved to be a camwhore on a site which I will not name…. and I’m really considering doing it

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December 26, 2011

Lol that would be awesome if u did it

December 26, 2011

woah. do you get paid for that? super weird. and sometimes it helps to get stuff done when you write it all out! xx

December 28, 2011

Whatever pays the bills.

How well did you do accomplishing your list?