22, Baby steps

I haven’t been able to sleep for 8 hours these past few months, I’ve been so hard on myself, just focusing on the thing that were clearly out of my control. As much as possible, I avoid dwelling on the past but it seems like I have this relapse and I am all over the place. My routine has been ruined because I am gradually losing my self-esteem just because most of my batchmates, whom I know have jobs already. I tend to sit in for hours without eating at Linkedin to find available positions for fresh graduates. Now I know what I am lacking, it’s I have no peace with things that I don’t have yet. See, I know in order for you to manifest things effectively, you have to have peace, you have to show the universe that you are grateful even without anything. It’s 5:10 A.m. and I slowly realizing all of these because I got sick yesterday hahaha I take this sleepasil pill for me to be able to sleep even if it means sacrificing my hormones. Also, I just woke up without my mom because she went on a sudden vacation, I hope she will arrive there safely. I believe I’m doing things now for God and my  family.

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