NoJoMo – 11 Short and Sweet
I’m making a list and checking it twice (actually more like eight or nine times because I’m kind of crazy that way)… I need addresses for my Christmas cards!!!
Leave them below!!!!!
Also… to all those who serve my country… I could never forget you… thank you for everything you gave me when you offered your life for my freedom.
In other news, I decided to take the day off and rest. With a new antibiotic in my system, a muscle relaxer, and more pain meds, I’m hoping my body heals faster and the threat of another surgery is just that… a threat. I’m taking the day off as a precaution. I would rather miss a day now than have to miss a week or more for a surgery later. So I’m resting. Or, as I call it, sitting on my ass. And sleeping.
I just took more pills, so I’m getting progressively sleepier… and my typing and grammar is getting progressively worse. Suppose that means it’s time to sign off. Short and sweet is good anyway.
Take care all. And leave your damned addresses. I love sending out cards.