My first day…
My first day left me exhausted with a back ache and a headache. I’m not used to sitting and staring at a computer screen for so long. I work 8-4:30, with a 30 minute break for lunch. I spent lunch in my chair. Not the best idea. Today, I think I’ll go for a walk or spend the time stretching.
Work is crazy. I have been thrown, not into the deep end of the pool, but into a churning ocean of confusion, bad accounting, and emotional wars. My boss and his wife are separated but trying to work it out–he’s told me this 5 times in the 3 days I’ve met with him. His former employeee is filing for unemployment on his dime despite the fact that her termination was a direct result of her not paying his workman’s comp insurance, which got it canceled. That could have ruined him. Luckily, his wife caught it and fixed it before anyone was hurt.
The accountant at the accounting firm that has been helping out (and therefore knows the office) is on vacation this week. The filing system seems to be a combination of throw shit in drawers and pile shit on the desk. Oh, and the computer is from 2001, so it’s a different operating system, not to mention a hell of a lot slower, than anything I’ve used since 2005.
I got a taste of Mike’s "passion" yesterday. He told me in my interview that I needed thick skin for this job… that while he doesn’t consider it yelling, he gets very "passionate" about his company and whatnot. The Comcast guy toted a cussing chalked full of Mike’s "passion" after failing to fix the phone lines that enable the security system. Lot of fun.
Well… I’m off for another great day. I’m supposed to stay late to go through payroll with Tom’s wife. Fun fun. Can you say comp time?
Good luck with day 2!!
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hope you have a better day 2 than day 1
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Working is keeping you too quiet around here! I hope it’s going well for you. How are things with you and G?
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I know you’ll be working but damn, I might take you up on that offer. Hope you really meant it. 🙂
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