+Of Tummies and Teaching

I’m going to have to go see my doctor.  For the last week or so I’ve been awakened in the middle of the night by severe heartburn.  I wrote it off the first couple times as a fluke and took antacids (which didn’t help much at all).  I also tried widening the gap between dinner and bedtime when I could.  (I can’t always.)  But the pattern is too consistent and too troublesome to write off any more.

The worst of it is, I can’t get BACK to sleep.  Or at least not well.  I’m starting to show the early signs of sleep deprivation, and that just can’t go on.  I don’t want to drug myself to sleep and then possibly be at the mercy of acid reflux, though.

Why do things like this happen during the busiest of weeks?  I’m up to my eyeballs – though it’ll drop off a cliff to nearly nothing by Friday.  The good news is that once this is fixed, it may fix other things too…  Early this year, I pleaded with my doctor if there was anything we could do about my chronic cough.  He said it was most likely either my asthma – or acid reflux disease.  We decided that asthma was the more likely explanation.  But now it seems we were quite probably wrong.  Perhaps I’ll finally be able to ditch the hack-hack-hack, God willing!

I’m sponsoring someone for baptism this year, a very sincere and earnest guy named Keith.    He works nights, so isn’t able to come to the regular RCIA session.  Fr. Jesse, to his credit, decided to start a morning session for him and a couple other people.  (We haven’t always done that in previous years.)  Since my schedule allows, I’ve been going with Keith to that;  I’m the only person there other  than Fr. Jesse and the people being catechized.

The first session was last week.  It was good.  This session… not as good.

It may well be simply that I’m sensitive where Fr. Jesse is concerned.  (There’s a lot of history between us, not always pleasant;  though we’ve made great strides this year in patching things up.)  So I may well be wrong.  But I sure had the impression a couple times during the session that his attempts to include me in the discussion were barbed – that when he added things like, "Isaiah knows what I’m talking about here" to a point he was making that I didn’t wholeheartedly agree with, that he was trying to get under my skin.  Since I knew I might well be wrong, I’ve kept my mouth shut.  But… sigh.

It would be unfair to paint Fr. Jesse as the sort of theological liberal who basically undermines everything the Church teaches.  Unfair, but you can see how people could get the idea.  😛  His talk today about the Creed was quite orthodox in its presentation.  But in his commentary and side-comments, he basically tried to paint anyone in the parish who cares about orthodoxy as a cold, heartless jerk.  I agree with him that it’s a grave danger to have orthodoxy without orthopraxy – to be a Pharisee.  But he seems to just brush off the cold hard fact that a great many Catholics in the pews are dangerously ignorant of their faith.

Likewise, he warned people that they’d hear about "apologetics" (said with an audible sneer).  And he made sure to warn them that it was strictly a matter of learning to parrot back canned answers to people, yet that many Catholics wanted to make it the very center of their faith – without living it.  I didn’t want to contradict him, so I just said that perhaps I was mistaken about the meaning of the word, but I’d always thought it just meant "being able to give a reason for the faith that is within us, yet with gentleness".  He assured me that if I read any books whatever on apologetics, I’d find exactly what he was talking about.  He seemed to assume I hadn’t;  all I can say is that he must be reading different books.  Or maybe the same ones, but with different lenses on.

I don’t think things will get to the point with him that they got with Sheila;  I don’t think he will ever present something so off-base and wrong that I can’t stay silent.  But it seems likely I’m going to get plenty of practice in holding my peace.  It’s probably good for me.

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December 6, 2005

Are you sure it was heartburn and not a gallbladder problem? That can mimic acid reflux, except that it’s excruciating, and antacids often make it worse in the short-term. 🙁 Either way, I hope you can find a solution soon.–

Hi again.Thank6you for your last note.It was very nice. I am glad you are open to the thought that God could be leading me as he also leads you in your life.Not many catholic people who have read my entries have come that far, but rather were quite argumentive and often werenot nice at all. I think we as christians all grow at different rates and in different areas.God treats each of us as a

a japanese bonsai tree.He prunes us and helps us to grow in the direction he wants us to go so we can become what he pictures us to be in his minds eye. he takes us all rough and gangly and makes us look beautiful and graceful on the inside. i think God is growing me in the areas of prophecy and love at the moment.Perhaps your time for this will come later on, whe he sees you are ready for it.

May I just say this too with a gentle and quiet tone,.. Most people keep saying that it was me writing that prophecy in my diary.But it was GOD who wrote it in the first place.It is in his word. He is the one who could see the future hundreds of years before these events took place.Then with much prayer, I beleive Holy Spirit gave me the meaning of these prophecies.But as I say,

we will have to keep watch and see what will happen. It’s the forfillment of prophecy that shows who was right or wrong etc. Any way it was nice talking with you again, kind regards,

Hi just one more comment.The entry on America in prophecy said that the pilgrims fled from engalnd…but they had actually been living in Holland, and had to go to England in order to get on the ship bound for America.Sorry for leaving that part out…. smiles, love

p.s.It’s good you are getting your reflux checked out.i ahd three children who suffered from this in their first year of life. The oesophegus can actually ulcerate from the stomache acids and is very painful. Stress canplay a big part in it as adults.When our minds are stressed our digestion is affected and the muscles all around the stomache can tighten.You could try some relaxion teqniches

and see if this helps. But definity go to the doctor too.. I hope you get well soon.It must be pretty uncomfortable for you. Sleeping onyour back with three pillows usually helps.It keeps you stomache acids from creeping up your throat.When my babies had this they had to sleep on a 30 degree angle to keep their necks higher than their stomaches.It seemed to help a lot.. bye for now…

December 7, 2005

RYN: As far as individual tribes, I know not. The tribes as a whole yes, but you likely knew that already, so I won’t go further on that. As far as spiders, I am familiar with Saint Conrad of Constance: http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintc8y.htm I do not have further information for you otherwise, though I did check a couple places, including a book relating to symbolism in Catholic art.

December 9, 2005

Have re sent the email. If you don’t receive it, it’s ok. It’t not that important. The gist of it is that we cannot just keep quiet when someone like Blue Bird paints a different picture about the Catholic Church but, of course, I agree with you that we need to do it in a gentle way. Btw, praying that everything will be ok with you. God bless.

December 11, 2005

Thanks for the reply. I agree with all that you said. I hope you feel better soon.

December 18, 2005

Fr. Jesse sounds like a closet heretic, or fullblown modernist, to me. Any priest who insinuates that those who desire fidelity to Christ’s teachings are “cold, heartless jerks” is definitely on my suspicion list. However, I’m glad you’re watching him and keeping things orthodox in the RCIA. May God bless you in doing that. Adam