+Fever Dreams

Fun life it’s been lately.  I’ve had a highish-to-very high fever for the last 10 days.  Going in to the doctor (again) on Monday.

I don’t know just how high it’s been, as I haven’t had a thermometer until just now (some friends gave me one).  I thought I was almost back to normal today, but the thermometer says 101!  I will guarantee it’s been higher than that at many points in the last week;  several times I’ve dipped my face in ice water just to get some relief.  (And unpleasant as that sounds, it felt wonderfully, deliciously good.)

Given that classes start tomorrow, that I’ve had no chance to look for housing (or indeed do much of anything except lounge about), and that bureaucratic stupidities and general incompetence are *still* keeping my inherited money under wraps, I obviously will not be starting theology classes this term.  And it’s just as well, I think;  I’ve felt pressured to move faster than I’m comfortable with.  Chris (my head in the PoP) feels the same way – says that things feel too rushed.  Plus, it’s WAY too late to apply for scholarships and so on, and I’ll need them if I’m to afford this.

I’m online today only because I broke down and took PeoplePC’s 30-day free trial period for dialup access.  I was getting so BORED!  The fever ebbs and flows;  I can’t get into a book at all (distressing for a voracious reader like me) because at some point I stop being able to concentrate on it.  The Internet is more in the way of bite-sized chunks.

I’ve been offering all this to Our Lady for the sake of the Poor Souls;  no reason why *someone* shouldn’t get good out of it.  I don’t have much energy for formal prayer (the Rosary is pretty much out of the question, for example), so I just try to call God to mind here and there and chat.

A few days ago I had a fever daydream (I knew I was awake, and that the daydream wasn’t real) that was so amusing I remembered it later and wrote it down.  Here you go;  it’s in the form of a phone conversation.  It is essential to imagine the person on the other end of the phone as sounding like a carnival barker or game show prize announcer – big sliding changes in inflection.

*phone rings* Hello?

Hello!  And Congratulations!  You are the Already-Approved Winner of your Very Own, Gen-u-ine… RHINOCEROS!

A… rhinoceros?!

Yes!  Rhinoceri are the latest thing in exotic pets!  Their raspy tongues are great for cleaning the dishes!  They’re also very affectionate!  And just imagine the fun when you take your rhinoceros on walks in the park!


But Wait!  There’s More!  You can EVEN burn their dung for fuel!

Wouldn’t a zoo be more capable of caring for a rhinoceros?

*hurt tones* Sir!  Rhinoceri are very gentle and sensitive creatures!  There is Simply No Replacement for a loving home!

But… but…  I live on the second floor of an apartment building!  Won’t it just fall through the floor?!

Yes, structural modifications will be necessary.  But Not To Worry!  We will contact your landlord and urge them to cover the bill.

How much is it?

Only Five Million Dollars!

What?!  What makes you think they’ll pay that much just so I can have a rhinoceros!

If they won’t, we will pick up the tab ourselves!

Good grief!  Why is it so important to you that I have a rhinoceros?!

Because… he’s so CUDDLY!

I positively *defy* Sigmund Freud and Karl Jung to interpret that one. 🙂

P.S.  I forgot to shake down the thermometer.  My temp today is actually 99 degrees, which is a good deal more hopeful-sounding.

P.P.S.  Sigh.  A couple hours later:  101.4.  It must be a factor of the Advil wearing off.

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August 26, 2007

Lol…I think at that point I would be convinced I’d lost my mind!! Hope the fever breaks…

August 26, 2007

Are u watching Animal Planet on tv? I think your craving affection maybe from the wrong source. LOL I hope you feel better. I’ve been there with fevers like that. God Bless.

August 26, 2007

!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA. I stopped laughing long enough to be seriously worried about why you were not in the emergency room? Now I am going to have to find a way to send you a cuddly rhinoceros.

August 26, 2007

oh dear. hope you get to feeling better.

LOL!!! I hope you are feeling better soon.

August 29, 2007

Blessed Birthday!!!