Uh, yeah, so filing, that didn’t go well. I got a lot of it done but I’m out of space in the file cabinets and I have no room for file boxes. The file boxes that are in there now were SUPPOSED to be sent to off-site storage almost a year ago. Did my boss send them to off-site storage. No. I’m going to have to talk to her when she’s back at work on Monday.
I still have nothing to do and haven’t for the past hour so I’m going home at lunch. Screw it, what’s the point in being here if I have nothing to do. There’s a ton of shit at home that needs doing. It annoys me that my boss is never here, when she’s gone for longer than a week I tend to run out of stuff to do and there’s only so much work I can make for myself. Eventually you just run out. Especially when your boss is gone at least half the month, every month! *sigh* I like coming to work when there’s work to do, when there’s nothing morale gets really low. It’s not good when your employee’s start not feeling needed.
Anyway, so it’s like 8 minutes till lunch. I’m out.