Yesterday sucked the big one. I don’t know about anyone else but when one day sucks I find it really hard to get out of bed the next. The thought of “work from home” ran through my head a couple times but then I got out of bed and hopped in the shower.
Now I’m sitting here at my desk at work savoring my morning coffee.
Sophie sucks. I have yet another wound from her. Yesterday evening we were sitting in the living room watching TV, waiting for the grocery delivery and Sophie climbs up on hubby. He pets her and loves on her and she hops down, comes over to me and jumps up on me. I petted her head, she purred and head-butted my chin a few times. She was being really cute and sweet then all of a sudden she was hanging off my nose!!!! OWWWWW!! She bit the shit out of my nose and after I pried her off she bit into my hand and drew blood! Once my eyes quite watering I shoved her off my lap and she got back up, started being sweet again and then started licking my ear. I was tensed and ready to shove her again because I feared she’d bite my ear. She didn’t, she eventually got down and wandered off. This, my friends, is Sophie’s way of being sweet. I really hope she grows out of it, and soon.
Casper and Sophie were playing this morning. Casper has never grown up. He’s still the kitten he was when I got him 7 years ago. He loves it when there’s a young playful cat in the house because he loves to play like a kitten. They were charging around the bedroom this morning together, too cute.
Y’know, it’s amazing I like cats. Kittens, like Sophie can be a real pain in the ass. I’ve bled I don’t know how many times because of my cats. The worst though, by far, was when I had to wrestle Kenny away from Daphne. He cut my arms, and deep. It’s been a year and I think the scars have finally gone away. Casper got me good once when he was a kitten. I had him on his back in my left arm and was playing with him. It was an accident but he caught my eyeball with his claw. That hurt REALLY bad. I could hardly open my eye for the rest of the day. It healed pretty fast though and within a couple days I was good as new.
I didn’t get a damn thing done yesterday. Between fighting with the printer and having to search through my hardcopies for that asshole in Texas I got nothing done. I got my forms printed to hardcopy and a few printed to Adobe Acrobat. But that’s it, I still have to finish those and get them into the Lotus Notes Database before I can even start back on the CMS stuff. I hate unproductive days, unless, of course, I’m being unproductive because I want to be. 🙂
Wanna see what was in our tire yesterday??
Here it is:
Only the very tip of this was sticking out yesterday. We were shocked when the guy came out to show us what had been lodged in our tire. As you can see it’s blunt!!
Tons of people had to have driven over that peice of metal yesterday morning but we happened to hit it just right so that it was able to enter our tire. It must have gotten lodged between the tread. We heard it hit the wheel well and obviously it then went into the tire. Luck of the draw I suppose.
So anyway, like I said, I didn’t get a damn thing done yesterday so I’m going to go read my comics real quick and get to work. 🙂
Holy shit! That is one huge-ass spike! I’d definitely send this photo to CDOT! Sophie is a problem cat, that’s for sure. But you’re the same about cats as I am about dogs, so I know you can settle her down.
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