Don’t know that I have a lot to talk about this morning.
I got stuck behind some loser in the HOV lane. The loser was actually in front of the truck that was in front of me so I dunno if it was a male or female so I’ll just refer to it as loser. So anyway, loser would like be driving along. When we came up to a stop where cops sometimes hide loser slammed on the brakes. Then every time loser realized they were going 75 or so they’d nail the brakes and slow down to 65. It’s a long drive on the highway from Tolland to Hartford so needless to say, that sucked!! I hate when people drive like that, under normal circumstances you shouldn’t need your to use brakes on the highway. I mean hell, I was going 80 yesterday, looked in the rear-view and there was a cop in the far left lane. He didn’t seem to give 2 shits that I was going 80. They don’t seem to care that much around here unless you’re being reckless and/or weaving in and out of traffic.
Also, not long after I got on the highway I looked in my rear-view today and there was another blue hyundai accent. *cringe* I hate driving a car that lots of other people have. I like being more original. I should get my dad to paint the Accent when we’re in Tulsa. 🙂 He can paint it like bright yellow or some crazy shit. 🙂
I’ve been having dizzy spells really often again. They seem to hit with emotional highs and lows. If I get excited, dizzy spell, stressed, dizzy spell. Of course then there’s the random one’s that hit when something moves. Like this morning, hubby was getting out of the car to run back in and grab the zuccini (we don’t eat zuccini so he’s giving it to a co-worker), when he got out of the car I looked over at him and the movement caused me to get a dizzy spell. This was a bit disturbing as I was sitting at the wheel of the car preparing to drive. I fear ever having one of these when I’m driving. I’m pretty good at keeping my focus and faking my way through them though which is good. I was the type of kid that used to go stand in the yard and spin in circles then try to walk straight. I used to do this for hours and I got pretty good at it, maybe all that is going to pay off, lol.
The fact that we don’t eat zuccini probably begs the question “then why are you growing it?” right? Hehe, the neighbors had leftovers and gave them to us. Surprisingly the zuccini is doing the best out of everything in the garden. Only problem is something is eating them. We had 3 or so more ripe one’s but they’d had lots of bites taken out of them. Grrrrr.
We had a mouse in our house. I opened 2 of the drawers and found mouse turds. ARGH!!! I was so pissed because this means everything in the drawer has to be washed and the drawer has to be cleaned out and scrubbed. I put some de-con in the drawer and sure enough, a few days later there’s a dead mouse on our driveway. I opened the drawers yesterday and all the de-con was GONE. Hopefully that will take care of the mouse problem. I always feel bad having to kill them but it’s for our own safety. I don’t like the thought of mice scurrying around in my cabinets shitting all over everything and I also don’t like the thought of them being out in the house because of the cats. I worry about the risk of disease and stuff with the cats. If they’d keep to the basement or whatever I could live with them.
Hubby read to me last night, I love when he does this. I was laying in bed, on top of the sheet and blankets because I was hot and then, all of a sudden I feel a sharp pain on my right knee. Sophie had just charged across the bed leaving me with a 4 inch cat scratch just under my knee. That hurt like hell!!!! I cleaned it up and put some iodine on it, then put some peroxide on it this morning. That cat is really starting to get on my nerves. 🙂 I have a new plan of attack. I don’t usually recommend this because I don’t like people to make their cats afraid of water by using it as a punishment. But Sophie is going to require drastic measures. I’ve really never owned a cat this evil. Literally, any time you punish her she’ll attach herself to your leg and scratch and bite you. I’m carrying around a spray bottle now, and any time she attacks she’s getting a spritz. I normally recommend blowing into their face if they bite your hand or whatever, but when you’ve got a cat literally wrapped around your leg biting you it’s hard to blow on it. Blowing into their face is basically like hissing at them. It worked wonders on Sally. Doesn’t work on Casper though, he likes it, lol.
Hmm, well, I guess that’s about it for now. I’m going to go catch up on OD entries and comic strips.
Do you believe in de-clawing your cats? That’s an option, too, although it will have to wait until the kittens are born. I don’t know how you can stand it–that sneak attack stuff is what terrifies me about cats. I’m really concerned about the dizziness–that sudden movement onset seems to indicate an eye problem. When’s the last time you went to an eye doc? I’d recommend an ophthalmologist.
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