Quote of the day:
“Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.” – Albert Einstein
It was really warm yesterday. Warm enough that a swim in the pathetipool was nice and comfortable. We tied Sara up on her 30 foot leash and we played in the pathetipool. Sara had fun, we had fun, it was all good. We need to install some fencing or something so she doesn’t have to be tied up to play by herself outside. Of course when I say “By herself” I mean with us outside pretty close to her. I don’t believe in leaving animals tied up unattended, it’s far too dangerous. She has a blast though. She loves it when hubby turns on the outside faucet for her lol, she’ll play in it and bite at it, she’s a riot. She’d probably like to spend more time outside than she gets to and I’m sure she’d like to spend more time outside off-leash. We’re going to have to set her little pool back up this weekend, I took it down so hubby could mow, plus the water had gotten icky.
Sara plays fetch now. 🙂 It took her a little while to get into it but she’ll chase after a ball if you throw it for her and she’ll bring it back to you, unless she gets puppy ADD, which happens quite often.
Oh yeah, that reminds me. The other day we were sitting downstairs having breakfast, Sara was crated and I look over and saw our Maine Coon walking towards Sara’s room! Yes, this is the same Maine Coon that never leaves the upstairs office. She was downstairs investigating Sara! I was shocked! Of course, this makes me wonder how many times Victoria investigates things when we’re gone or asleep. She acts terrified of us when she’s with us in any room other than the office or the bedroom. Like when I snuck over to peek in at her in Sara’s room she gave me this horrified look and ran upstairs. Of course, had I have followed her upstairs she would have wanted lovin.
Enough about my pets, on to other topics:
My mom is driving me absolutely nutty. I just want to yell sometimes. “Dammit mom, you’re 40 years old, you should know better than this.” My mom is out of a job and guess where she’s headed next Tuesday. She’s headed to Las Vegas. Cute ma, what was that you said about not being able to pay the bills? My mom is old enough to take care of herself and technically I have no right to say “Mommy, you probably shouldn’t go to Vegas if you can’t pay your bills”. Technically it should be none of my business BUT technically she made it my business when she started complaining about not being able to pay her bills. I’m not going to say anything to her personally but I do have an opinion and that opinion is that she should save the money she’s spending to go to Vegas and pay her damned bills. We cancelled our trip to Maine this year because money was tight, even though we can make our bills we’re going to have some extra expenses this summer with Sara’s spay and stuff. I certainly wouldn’t be going if I was having trouble paying my credit card bills. *sigh*
Hmm, anything else?
I was looking at college options last night. I never took the SAT’s. I never expected to go to college and told the school counselors that when they pushed me to take the SAT. I believe I am the only one in my graduating class who refused to take the SAT. It was being held at the complete wrong time. It was at the end of the year and was going to be on a Saturday and I was busy, I was preparing to move from Oklahoma to Connecticut and to get married. Plus I wasn’t planning to go to college so I figured fuck it. Since I’ve been out in the “real world” though I’ve had a change of heart. I’ve realized I have two choices, go to college and make something of myself or be someone’s bitch for the rest of my life. I’ll be choosing to go to college and make something of myself. I’ll end up starting at the community college and getting an A.S in Liberal Arts and Science, that will transfer to UCONN and I can go on to do what I need to do to become a psychologist.
Okay, this is weird, I am incredibly dizzy just sitting here so I’m going to cut this short.
(Con’t)… Okay, I seem a little better now, still slightly dizzy but not quite as bad. I’m hypoglycemic so I ate some candy in case that was it. Anyway, as I was saying.
I was flipping through the college’s course catalog and found that if I wait until I’m 62 I can have all my tuition waived so what do you think? Be someone’s bitch till I’m 62 and then go to college for free? Sounds like a plan to me. 🙂 Nah, I’m just kidding.
K, I’m definatly better now, my blood sugar must have been low. All I have now is a slight headache but I’m not dizzy anymore in the slightest. I think I need another peice of that candy though, for um, good measure, yeah, that’s it.
Well, I guess I should get to work or something like that. Not that I have a lot to do, maybe I’ll be back later or something.
You’re probably far better off to take the ACT rather than the SAT. Student loans were meant for people like you and with the economy in the toilet, the interest rates are bound to be around .0001%, anyway.
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