We were annoyed this morning on our way in to work as always. We drive by an area where a lot of busses let off passengers and do you know what the people getting off the busses do? They walk their asses right out into the middle of the damn street without looking. I think this is the fault of school busses. What are children that ride school busses taught to do? They’re taught to cross the street immediatly because all the cars have to stop. It doesn’t work that way with city busses people! City busses don’t have that little red stop sign that pops out. City busses let your funky ass off by the sidewalk for a reason. You’re supposed to walk your ass down to the crosswalk and wait. I’m sick of having to wait for people to mosey their asses across the street when I have a green light. WAIT your damn turn.
I think that’s the thing that drives me nuts the most about being out in public. The fact that so many people don’t follow rules, so many people don’t pay attention. This world would be a better place if everyone would use the wonderful brain that’s in their head. I can’t stand people that don’t think. I can use my dad as an example here. I remember once we were sitting in my dads car, he was driving. He hadn’t noticed the light had turned green and the person behind him honked to let him know. He got pissed and went to jump out, he did this kind of thing a lot. Had I not have been there to yell “Hey, that’s a stupid thing to do with your daughter in the car!” He would have been all up in the guys face. All the poor guy was trying to do was say “Hey, green light, lets go”.
Brains are a wonderful thing, more people should put theirs to good use.
In other news. I swear Sara is growing mentally and phsycially each and every day. She’s going to be an awesome dog. Sara and Sally got up really close to each other last night. Thank goodness we have at least ONE brave cat!! I want Sara to be used to the cats as early as possible and Sally is the only one that will give her a chance. Sara’s adorable though because she wants to play like Sally is another dog and well, Sally isn’t another dog so she doesn’t want to play. Sara also went out to see the chickens last night, she wants to play with them too. She gets all down and jumps back and forth, she’s goofy. One of the hens was really interested in Sara, not afraid at all. One of our roosters too, but he was just there to protect the ladies. He’d probably kick Sara’s ass if she got too close. He’s a big rooster. I’m hoping Sara can be good with the chickens. I’d like to know I can have her and them out in the yard at the same time if necessary and not have to worry about one getting eaten.
Well, I should probably go for now.
Sara’s puppyishness is probably so exuberant that the cats and the chickens are still frightened of her. But it sounds as if they’re slowly getting used to her, and she to them, too, as it appears she is learning to co-exist with your other pets. I just love reading about her and how she is growing!
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