warning! contains very stupid content.

Anxiety was knocking on my stomachs front door.

Knock knock…who’s there?…Anx….Anx who? Anxyou for opening up the stomach door and letting me in.

…No? Okay, your right. That was beyond stupid. Sorry to put you through that one!!! I will stop the nonsense…..for today.

Anxiety is like a magician. Anxiety Blaine….thats David Blaine’s specail cousin who lives in space with the aliens and ice ostriches……Icestriches! Icetriches like to eat a hybrid of lima beans, bananas, and pumpernikel bread…….Limana Nikels. The aliens prefer enchilada’s with cheries on top. Anxiety Blaine prefers stomach acid and brain soup.

And personally, I like to eat cookie dough..

Thats if I were allowed to eat cookie dough. I think its tasty, but Yarnie begs to differ. He knows that its poisonous and can make my body explode….And if that were to happen, Yarnie would be in trouble because he can only thrive in my brain’s habitat. And if he were to fly out of my brain, he would surely die. Yarnie dose’t want to die, he wants to live, and the only way for him to do that is to stay in my head. I don’t want Yarnie in my brain, I want him out. But Yarnie is clever, and knows what he has to do in order to stay in my brain.

The above may just very well be the stupidest thing I have typed here on…..

You know what? I was tired, okay! And I was falling asleep a little. But its a new day…new night…new almost day again…morning…a.m…

Anyway, I apolozie for that!

About five minutes ago, a spider made its grand entrance across my laptop that was on my lap, while laying in bed. I did what anyone would do, and hurled the laptop across the room, then screamed. My laptop may be injured, it may not be. Possibly some internal bleeding. Its in one piece still, so thats good news. And I either gave the spider a heart attack, or gave it the thrill of its life by giving it a ride on the flying laptop adventure ride.

The spider gave me a heart attack. And I was not thrilled at all. I’m the loser in this game. It also goes to show that spiders do infact, haunt and taunt me. I will have to call upon my ghost Cecelia to cast a protective arachnid spell over me.

Celcelia?……CECELIA??? Come out come out where ever you are…

Shit guys, shes not home tonight. Thats right, she went out to meet her old "pal" Mitch at the saloon. I don’t know when shes due back.

Here is my kitty pretending to be an inocente kitty….

Scrappy  isn’t inocente, but he is dreaming of being King Scrapolopogis, ruler of The Scrapolopogus Islands. Where he can bask in the sun all day, while all the others wait on him. He feels powerful until he wakes up….

…and sees that  I am there….

and begin to ask him a bunch of useless questions…….

…Like how he feels about artichokes…

Me too Scrappy, me too.

Artichokes are very lame and do not deserve my attention!

We have that in common, and we both also like cookie dough.

..And this is how we feel about cookie dough…

It’s as cool as my Pippi Longstocking costume!

But don’t worry, I am not a cannibal like the ones Pippi knows from her adventures, so I’m not sure if Pippi actually tastes like cookie dough. Maybe more like a banana split would be my guess.

I taste like lemon lime.

What do you taste like?

My sister tried to lick her elbow yesterday. I shook my head at her and told her "No!"  Then I told her to sit, then I told her to give me paw, then I told her to roll over, and then I said "Go lye down!"

But really…she just tried to lick her elbow. Then I just made fun of her! Its one of my favorite past times.

She nearly drowned one time trying to sniff a scratch and sniff sticker underwater. I may have mentioned this before.

Bless her heart!

….and bless her brain.

..And bless this fuzzy creature…

…Because I want him RIGHT NOW!!!

I want a damn angora rabbit!!!!!

I want this guy too…He has a plan up in that mind of his…..an he is about to act upon it…









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August 24, 2012

Pippi Longstocking! that’s an awesome outfit! and I am so distracted by fuzzy furry creatures! 😀 ~~~>