
Its my laptop…mt laptop has not allowed me to write in my diary for a week. I’m at work now, which means I shouldn’t be writing in my diary, but what the hell.

Its been 4 and a half days since I last purged. Crazy.

I’m all moved into the apartment. My roommates have dogs/cats of their own. My poor cat has been a little bit scared. I feel so bad for him. He seems to be warming up to the new place, but he spends a lot of the time under my bed. It’s mostly the dogs he is afraid of. I hope he gets used to everything.

I’m trying to make this a quick update. I don’t have internet at the apartment yet, so I have been having to go to the coffee house to use internet.

I have been feeling rather shit about my body lately. Isn’t that always the case though? I don’t know, its been more intense lately. I haven’t wanted to leave the apartment because of it. Of course that’s not an option. Work beckons me.

Speaking…no…typing..about work. I’m now working at summer camp. It’s good, I’m having a fun time with the kids. We have a good group, and the theme is Native Americans. (which is so much fun!!!!) Today we named all the kids Totem animal. They were excited. My animal is the deer. haha

Work has been keeping me busy, which I guess is a good thing, right? Yesterday afternoon after I got home I ended up taking an accidental nap. I never nap. I didn’t even realize I fell asleep. I woke up so confused. I then proceeded to leave the apartment in a state of confusion. No worries, I came around.

It’s finally Friday.

I got a new shirt with three cats dressed in Native American attire. Supper cool.

I have a roommate who is recovering from an eating disorder. It’s hard. I am attempting recovery myself…but am I really? I’m afraid I will do something that will be triggering to her. I also won’t be able to get away with that much, because obviously she knows the symptoms. I’ve been trying to hide them more. Hmmmm…

Which basically just means more restriction.

It makes sense in my head.

Hide and seek.

I need to pay attention to the kids. Its after camp hours right no. I just have two kids to look after, and they are happily playing with Mr. Potato Head, and Little Pet Shops. I should take them to the playground, but it just rained….




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Very proud of the no purging. Keep it up. I’ve been purge free for 16 days now myself, and still counting. I’ve been feeling even worse about how my body looks too. We can do this though. Just focus on the kiddies and use your roommate for support. =)

July 1, 2013

Working at a summer camp must be pretty fun, awww kids~ 😀 Would your roommate call you out on anything? Is she that type of recoverer? (sounds weird to say haha) ~~~>