mella fry

Im a strange cookie

..ah, now I want a cookie…No, No, No….

Im a strange…umm…strange tucan! 

I spent a good hour making the strangest stir fry. It all started with wanting to eat some vegitables. Then the vegitable idea escalated and quickly changed into something a little more. I guess plain vegitables wern’t making the cut today. I began by making a pretty normal sauce to put ontop of the veggies. Soy sauce, seseme seeds, the basic stir fry stuff. Then I added more, and this is where it gets special. A little brown sugar went into the soy sauce, then ginger salad dressing, then soup mix powder stuff, then duck sauce, then watermellon water….it was just sitting there and It looked lonely…so I gave it a home (in another bowl, but with company) then chick-fil-a sauce…and that may be it, oh no, water. This concoction went ontop of the naked veggies. The veggies were broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and green beans. I put bean sprouts in and tofu as well. Next ingrediant? Watermellon! I made stir fry with watermellon, and you know what, it tasted good. I recomend it, seriously! I succesfully tunred my veggies into a sodium calorie nightmare! But the sodium calorie nightmare is good, I know because I ate a little bit of it! But by the time I was finished making it, I had a large pan filled with my Mella Fry. (when my little sister was young, she called watermellon, mella mellon!)

During my bizare chef  time I drank a Pepsi Max, ate some popcorn and felt like shit for doing so. Well I went ahead and had a little mella fry anyway, and what pray tell happened after that?? Yeah, I felt even more shitty. I packed up my mella fry in two containers because there was so much of it, then hopped in the shower and made the long lasting attempt to rid myself of the strange meal! Why do I bother making stuff? I continue to waste food. Its never ending, this cycle! Perhaps I wanted the bathtub to have a taste of my mella fry! Ah, no,  thats so gross…

On Thursday I experianced the start of a very annoying allergic reaction. I wasn’t thinking to much of it at first, but I noticed my shoulders had these little red bumps on them. I ignored it, thinking it was nothing because I have fairly sensitive skin. Later Thursday night I saw the red bumps again, this time on my chest and shoulders, again I thought eh, thats nothing. I woke up Friday morning covered with the spots. It was weird, but the spots weren’t bothering me…that is until about an hour later when more popped up, and I began to itch. the itching intensified through out the day. I showed Ada the bumps, then a few more people from work, and I had one of the ladies freaking out, saying I needed to go have it looked at right away. Ha, yeah,……It wasn’t that awful. A little later though I couldn’t take the itchy scrathy feeling and had to leave work to pick up some allergy medicine at a near by pharmacy! I took the medicine and nothing happened except more itchyness. By this time I was looking crazy. I woke up Saturday morning and was even more itchy! It was on my face, my ears, chest, legs, elbows, shins, thighs, shoulders, back and stomach. Needless to say, I spent the weekend miserable and annoyed. I couldn’t relax or get relief from the bumps because nothing seemed to work or soothe the itch! I went through several tubes of itchy medicine stuff and was ready to give up.  On Saturday night, I got zero hours of sleep, I was so damn itchy that I kept tossing and turning and scratching just like I shouldn’t have been doing. I was twitchy to top that off. It was hell! Monday wasn’t much better but had finally had enough of it to go to the doctors. I had to go through a full day of camp with the rash though. The genius doctor concluded that I did infact have a rash. I was thinking way to go doctor, you figured it out. I could have saved my time and money for that! I wanted to know what was causing the rash and how I could get some relief from it, I already knew my skin was irratated with a rash. Genius doctor! The doctor looked at it and said, uh, thats strange. what do you think it could be from? Hmmmmmm…well, can you tell me doctor, because if I knew, I would have stayed away from whatever was causing the reaction. The doctor gave me a prescription and sent me on my way, thus giving me a new medicine of the week. I’m on a roll! I still don’t know what it could have been from, I think I can rule out any food because I have a very limited safe food list. I don’t stray away from it, and haven’t had any sort of reaction from the safe foods. I know allergies can spring up from nowhere, but I don’t think its from the foods. At first the people from work thought it was heat rash, to which I told them no, It couldn’t be, but they insisted. But they were wrong, and I told them so. Its pretty annoying not knowing what it came from, I would like to know so I can avoid it the next time around. I do however think it had to be something from work. As of now its a mystery…wheres Scooby Doo and the gang when you need them??

I can’t really blame the doctor for not knowing what caused it, but I was hoping for some more answers! 

I woke up tday with less itching and the spots looking smaller. I still feel a little bit itchy scratchy, but It was a lot better than the previous few days!

It almost feels as if the itchyness is coming back though. I’m hoping it a more mind over matter deal! 

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June 27, 2012

RYN: haha! my car story was always Dori was sent from Japan as a means to keep my safe until I actually went to Japan later on in life! She was my protector of “Japanness” so to speak! 😀 omg! that sounds like an awful allergic reaction! that sprung up rather randomly, yeah? pretty weird! I hope you are now relieved of your itchiness! <3 ~~~>