It Must Be The Devil *Edit*

Scripting lesson plans has got to be the single worst assignment that I have ever had to do in my entire school career. It is long, it is boring, it is tedious, and it serves NO PURPOSE WHATSEOVER. Every single person that I have talked to other than the teacher who is requiring it agrees that there is no point in writing out every single thing that I might say that day and every single thing that the students might say in return.

I have five lesson plans due tomorrow night. I have three and a half done. Not including any of the handouts that go along with the lesson, I have 28, typed, single spaced pages. There is no end in sight. I might not make it through this day alive.

(And I also need to find time to shower and go to the store and make a huge huge batch of cinnamon-sugared pecans.)

I made 7.5 pounds of sugared nuts. I have 4.5 out of 5 lesson plans finished. I am tired. I am pretty sure that God turned this weekend on super speed, and that somewhere along the line I got ROYALLY GYPPED on time. I am going to work a tiny tiny bit more on the last lesson plan and then use the three hours that I am stuck at the middle school tomorrow to finish it. Then, I will come home and print all thirty-some odd pages of it and stick it in a folder. I bought a new printer cartridge, since I know that this assignment will kill off the one we already have.

I am so tired that my eyes are burning. I should start another ticker. Twelve more days until I am allowed to get some sleep. (Because by then, school will be out.)

Log in to write a note

Uuuugh. That sounds horrible. School is lame. Wanna drop out with me and run away? Let’s become fishermen in Alaska or something.

December 4, 2006

I feel your pain.

my weekends always feel like that 🙁