Thought I’d write a bit.

Just a bit lol

Things are the same. Nothing ever really changes. Work is work. Home is home. Oh I lied  Something did change. The hubby lost his job a few weeks ago. He started a new job today. I hope it last, especially since we had to get a second car that we have to make payments on.  Stupid thing to do, but really no other choice.

More stupid was me telling him the newer car would be his dad’s day present. Now I can’t keep it for myself lol I’m greedy, I know.

Kids are out of school now. The did OK.

The Friend has me thinking about him again.  I guess it’ll be like this until I die. Woke up the other morning with an email from him and my mind hasn’t stopped with the stupid stuff since. Thankfully I know it’ll pass. Pass until the next time.

Going to a couple of concerts next month. Not really my kind of musice, but it’s fun to do things, right?  One of them I’m taking my boys. I like being the one doing the firsts with them. I got AJ his first razor. Put him behind the wheel of the car and now his first concert. I need to have The Talk with him, but keep putting that off. I did buy him a really good book. He said he read it. I hope he did. I think I need to worry more about Matt with the girls.  He won’t read the book so maybe he’ll get The Talk first.

Anywhooo, nothing much else going on.


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June 17, 2008

What concerts are you going to? All the ‘talk’, that sounds like fun. Gotta do it sometime, better now than to wait. Get it over with and you’ll feel better. Glad to see the hubby is back to work. Hope he does well at his new job!

June 18, 2008

I have been to a couple of concerts this year that I wasn’t that enthusiastic about. Really enjoyed them though, there is just something about live music.