My Matt
Hi there,
It’s been a fairly decent day. It’s one of those days where I realize all the wonderful people I have in my life and how I need to quit bitching so much. I’m sure tomorrow I’ll be back to my usualy self
Matt had to take his physical today. Everything is fine like I knew it would be. He got into this program that helps prepare low income kids of parents who didn’t geat anything above an associates degree, get into college. (see if I had gone to college maybe that sentence would be written better ) Anywhooo, Part of the program is a two week, grueling camping trip. He has to miss the last two weeks of school. This camping trip is the main reason he wants to do this program. Not the fact that it will help him all during high school and college. He’s never been camping a day in his life.
I feel bad for him though, because he is missing so much while being on this trip. He is missing three parties (one at a Japnese restaurant), the 8th grade dance (which he even has a girl he’d like to take) and 8th grade graduation. I just keep telling myself that these are just a few things he’s missing, but gaining a future. I guess I am just glad that one of my kids has a life and friends and things to do. I want to live through him!! He’s holding me back!!!! lol. Just kidding.
AJ thought he found a lump in his private area a couple of weeks ago. Took him to the dr and found it was nothing. I told him I was very proud that he’s learning his body and came to me when he though something was wrong. It took a lot fo him to do that. He’s very private when it comes to his body. He also wanted me to go into the dr’s office with him. I guess he doesn’t hate me as much as I think
Erin is just Erin. Getting big and moody, but still loving and my little girl. She can be so sweet still.
I turned 41 last week. I don’t feel a day over 40 Matt says I look 35. See why I like that kid so much!
Nothing else is going on to write about so I’ll go. I need to get something for dinner. I’m starving.
Sounds like a good opportunity for him! Hate he’s missing 8th grade graduation though. But there’s still the most important one later on! LOL
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Wonder why they didn’t do this trip during summer vacation? Sounds like the kiddos are doing ok.
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Trips like that can change kids lives. Me, I would have chosen the parties too
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was poking around my diary and saw some encouragement from you, thought I’d come over and say hello!
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Where ya been? Just stopping in to say Hi!
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