Hey there once more!
Sorry I don’t write any more or have time to check what all of you guys are up to. I miss that a lot. I get online at the library once in awhile and by the time I finish doing other stuff I only have a couple of minutes to get here.
Things are going the same. The hubby starts a temp job with Walmart Wednesday. I’m not excited much about this. Especially since it’s only temp. I get excited when he gets work and then I just get let down. Something good has to happen eventually.
The kids are doing good. Matt wants to move back to New Orleans. I do too. Eventually we will. He says before he goes to college he will. I am guessing maybe he’s thinking of college there??? Who knows with this child. He’s thinking about his future at least. AJ (the older one) doesn’t really. Matt chose to go to a votech highschool (which was hard to get into) so he could learn a trad also while learning the normal stuff. Then he decided to go into this Upward Bound program that helps kids work towards getting into college. He’ll leave 8th grade two weeks early to go to some camp thing for two weeks. Then every summer during highschool he’ll do school work at Wesleyan University. He’s not looking forward to that part, but feels he needs to so he can do something with his life. Yayy for him. Now I just have to work on Erin. Hopefully she’ll see what Matt does and follow him.
I don’t do much. Just work and come home. Stress a lot. I am going to a battle of the bands thing tonight with my sister. I call it "angry music". Not my kind of music but I always have a good time watching every one.
We’re getting a new club in July. ( I work for Sam’s club). I can’t wait, but wish the move was over. Not sure what all this is going to involve. I need another person in my office. I’m tired of working two twelve hour days and h aving to leave a little earlier the other days. I can’t get what I need done without rushing around. The one guy I have seems to play around a lot. Then I hear about it from the managers. I’m not there and they are the managers. Why can’t they do something about it?? What ever!
Woohoo I got a lot out and still have 2 minutes left. I really hope everyone is doing great. I also hope to get on one day and just catch upwith all of you!! Funny how things change. I used to spend my life on the computer and now I rarely get on.
Take care! Bye!
Jobs are so hard to find so I’m happy for you that he at least has something to bring in some money. It will give him some confidence and make him feel better. Matt sounds very ambitious! That’s so cool that he’s thinking of his future. I wish I went to a Votech school. I would have been way ahead in my college computer classes.
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