Useless Day

Yes… So damn useless…

We had a bash last nite – it was fantastic, the guys were awesome; I’m so grateful to them making this party for me. Also it was Oleg’s birthday the day before yesterday, so we actually united two events in one big party. There were some handsome things here, and I can admit I even flirted a bit) It didn’t mean anything though. I’m not ready for any kind of relationship at the moment because the wound in my heart is still too deep. Anyway, it was a great time. It reminded me of hot parties in Spain.


I did some shopping today… Awful timespending, swear you. I don’t really like shopping. Yes, I’m an extraordinary girl, what’s with that? Not that I have no good clothes – there is a lot of nice stuff in my wardrobe and when I need a particular thing, I go and do shopping alright. But I don’t enjoy it and go shopping just to relax or cheer up like some ladies do. That’s weird to my mind.. Mother is, on the contrary, mad about it. Sometimes when I watch her in a shop, her behaviour amuses me. All this ‘Aaaah, just look at it! Isn’t it nice?’ ‘Oooh that is gorgeous!! Jesus, I’m mad about it!’ is hilarious… Usually we argue while shopping – it’s a rule) A strange one, isn’t it? Most of the time the reason is unbelievably stupid – mother wants my encouragement and my opinion on a thing she looks at but I usually get tired very quickly doing this shopping thing, so she’s getting mad when I don’t say anything. It ends up with ‘Oh Yana, you understand nothing!’ and she storms out from the moll. Ah Jesus… Mom is a typical woman with all those emotions the one should have – I’m not. I’d better go and look at the new cars in the car saloon close to the shopping centre than go to boutiques. What’s wrong with it?

Fucking useless day…

I wonder if he will e mail me… Nope, that’s too unlikely. Naive girl I am.

*sad sigh*

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