Seeking the reality

According to the previous entries, the level of my English is a total cr.p. I mean, Jeez, when I looked through those, I was just shocked. Am really sorry – maybe it even gets kind of confusing sumtimes, but that’s the level of my English and there’s no way to improve it just yet. I can’t wait to go back to Ireland, even though the university is waiting for me there. I’m just tired of staying here.


Can’t believe in my own blessing – Atsushi has finally e mailed me. I wonder why it took him so long. Maybe his university life is so hard and busy. I don’t even remember when was the last time he honoured me with his reply. But I’m not the only one – Miquel told me that he didn’t e mail to any of the guys from the Language Centre either. Kai isn’t more productive in this field – I haven’t got his e mail since my trip to Spain if no longer. But at least he txts me from time to time to let me know how he’s doing. The best from the best is Tomoko – she keeps contacting me enerytime. Lovely gal! Love you, Tomokita In her last e mail she told me that she’s gonna travel around the UK and Ireland with her pal. She also suggested us to meet up for dinner on September 17th with Kai and her friend and maybe some other guys. Yay, looking forward to it! It’ll be the second day of my staying in Ireland. I thought I’d come on 15th but it’ll happen later.


Natasha’s still not sure if she’s going to study in Limerick or to go back to Latvia. I hope she’ll stay; she’s such a sweet girl – I’d like to keep our friendship. Besides, I don’t really wanna live with someone I don’t know well. We’ll see…


My parents liked Barcelona a great deal. Even dad who’s usually not impressive with anything except cars and soccer. I was glad to hear this. I said I’d like to live in Spain and was given a nod from both sides! Well, maybe it’ll happen someday, who knows how life’s so unpredictable. Especially in my case, huh?


I’ve just transformed the pics from the camera. Some of them are real good. I’ll upload’em probably by tomorrow

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