
Jesus, there must be something to begin with.


Welcome to my little world then. Little world with a big ocean of thoughts.


So here I am, sitting in front of the screen, all tanned and happy. Well, the latter isn’t completely right – just to some extent really. At least happier than last night on the plane. Espana… Little fairytale finished so suddenly. Yesterday I’ve been there, with the sun above my head, cocktail in my hand and now I’m in this dull fecking country. What a nice beginning of the day… Oh well, it’s actually 3 already! Damn time zones; sometimes they’re too uncomfortable.


I haven’t written anything while being in Spain although I did bring one with me. Usually there was so much stuff going on – that’s the main reason, I guess. And when there wasn’t so much stuff going, I just wished to lay down and sunbathe a little. I don’t like sunbathing much but actually I’ve improved recently and the time I spent in the sun was longer than the previous year. Anyway, I’d like to try to make all the mess in my head look like a nice narrative (grammatical mistakes won’t count! hey, it’s not my native language for God’s sake). Not long one. Promise.


It was about 8 ‘clock when the plane landed. The trip itself was far from pleasant cause it was quite long – about 4 hrs. I don’t really like planes except the actual moment of taking off and landing – those are really exciting. The rest is boring usually. My lovely iPod made the trip a little lore interesting as well as hope that soon I’ll be in the country which I’ve always dreamed to visit… and him. I will see him. Yes. I frowned. I really didn’t want to admit that I want this to come true but I did. Fucking lovesick thing I am.


After being escorted to a hotel, we went to have dinner straightaway. Standing in front of the reception desk I felt someone’s gaze on me and I saw two fellas staring at me. Well, nice start, Yana. And I didn’t even put anything nice on me yet… Dinner wasn’t really good to be honest. I expected more from Spanish cuisine, but anyway I was hungry and it didn’t matter at that moment. Then there was all this unpacking luggage thing which is anything but interesting. Then I went to the bar downstairs and later parents came there as well.

-Sweet Heavens, look! – mother pointed at the huge window and I saw it was raining heavily. Nope, not a nice start actually. I had tea and then went to bed as it was a really tiring trip. As soon as I was in there, he occupied my head. I couldn’t help it so I just drifted to sleep with him on my mind.


Later on, I started to get used to climate, time changes and other stuff (becoming the centre of attention in an any guys’ society). I went to a small walk to see the city and after that went to a bar in the hotel again. Mother was there as well so I took a seat close to her. At first I tried not to pay any attention to the fact that the barman was looking at me; I said to myself that it just seemed to me that he did but mother interrupted my train of thoughts.

-This guy can’t take his eyes off you! – said she, – It’s even funny to look at him.

<span lang="EN-US” style=”FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #cc99ff; text-shadow: none; mso-ansi-language: EN-US”>Oh, like I didn’t notice! Ok, let’s see… I lifted my gaze and met big brown eyes looking at me. He smiled. That’s how I met Oscar, the guy of 22. To be honest, he was one of the most handsome things I’ve seen. He was quite tall but the way he moved was amazing. His every move was so gracious – I don’t know where it came from but it was really so. His height suited him, so to speak. He was all live and cheerful, I saw it in his every move; plus he had a nice sense of humor as I later noticed. Nice. But no more than that. I’d see million of pretty things here, wouldn’t I? I’m ready for it. Besides, none of it can be compared to him… No, I won’t go into it. Oscar continued paying me an enormous amount of attention with his beautiful eyes but I wasn’t interested, though sometimes I threw a tiny look to him and it encouraged him even more. Is a nice game and I like to play it sometimes, just for fun. Naughty kid) This all led to Oscar inviting me on a date (well, let’s call it ‘going out’) later on. I accepted. I already lost everything, so I got nothing more to loose…




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