Daily Routine

All day I was busy with particularly writing e mails to the pen-pals, as I couldn’t send any while in Spain – don’t know what happened to my mailbox then. Also there were hundreds of phone calls from friends. Oh I still haven’t been forgotten – what can be better than that? I got Atsu’s e mail in the morning which was quite surprising. So soon! He said he’s got a laptop, so we’ll be able to contact each other more often (that’s what he said but how it’ll be – we’ll see… I don’t trust him after a month of absolute silence). Yet I haven’t got a single pic from him… Ooh, what a guy! I miss him actually; he’s such a nice lad. I miss the parties we used to have when he was in Ireland. Jesus, how nice it was! The atmosphere, people, food. Russian parties are different from the international ones we had, and I miss those, really.


Maria was one of the first who contacted me today. Ah, that’s my gal! She suggested to meet this night, as the weather in the daytime is too hot; I couldn’t totally get used to the climate change yet. She said she got a new ‘do, so I’m all excited to see what’s going on on her head now)) I wonder how’s her modeling career going. Oh yes, we’ll have a lot of stuff to talk about.


Just came up to my mind that I have to get time for a bit of Spanish today. It’s a must as I haven’t touched a book for at least a week. I had a practice though I have real doubts about my success in learning Spanish just for one and a half years. Then I have to go to Spain and work there! I’m kind of confused… However, Miquel told me that he met a Polish girl who has been learning Espanol only for like a year and she speaks alright. Oh well… I can call it encouragement. I’d better learn Polska It’d take me about 3 months to start speak fluently I guess.

Thinking of him. It’s funny actually… He always had doubts about my love, my sincerety towards him but I, on the contrary, always trusted him completely. And now what? He‘s with another girl and I’m here, lovesick like a schoolgal and dreaming about him. It’s just curious, isn’t it? But I don’t blame him. Never. That’s what love is about. The main thing is his happiness.


Listening to Spanish guitar. Wonderful thing! Love it, absolutely. I had 2 cds several years ago but lost it someday. And now I got it again. Music (especially when it’s so beautiful) is such a nice company, so even the usual daily routine becomes full of joy. Ah! *whistling the melody while taking care of the mess on her desk*

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