Weekend 2 6/13-6/14

This past weekend, I saw Starfish on Friday for a little while. It was her son, Logan’s, second birthday party. But it turned into a party for her husband (my friend scott) and his friends so she called to see if i would go spend time with her. *sigh* she never calls unless she needs something anymore, but i am always there for her still. So I hung out with her for a couple of hours which felt really good. I missed her terribly.

I called it an early night because the next morning I had to wake up early. Woke up at 5:30, showered, and drove to my buddy Bill’s house in Hadley. We were car pooling to a casino rally in Palmer. Mohegan Sun is trying to build a resort casino in Palmer, MA which would provide us with a lot of work and a lot of jobs for a lot of people. Obviously the majority of people in Palmer are against it so we went and held signs. It was Bill and his two little girls and myself. I have a news clip link that ill post when i get home. At exactly one minute into it when the woman says, "union workers", thats my buddy Bill in the maroon with with daughter on his shoulders and that’s yours truly to his right in the red, with the green hat, on the cell phone.

When we got back into the car to leave Bill commented on the atrocious sunburn i had gotten for myself. Which was true, i was red as a lobster. Im incredibly fair skinned and burn far too easily. Some Italian I am. So we had to stop somewhere so the girls could eat and then went back to his place. I was waiting to hear from Nate but i hadnt. I wasn’t far from his place so i swung by to see if he was home. He wasnt, so i ran to Stop and Shop to kill some time. Still hadnt heard from him so i texted my buddy Kevin from school to see if he wanted to get together. He said he was at his neighbor’s house BBQing and invited me over. So i hop on the pike at exit four and start driving towards 7. Thankfully, Nate called me at like exit 5, told me he wasn’t going to be home for hours. I told him i was going to go and hang out with Kevy Kev and he told me i was crazy. So i told him i was going to head home and to call me later if his plans fell through or tomorrow. I texted Kevin and said i was heading back home because something came up. I turned around at exit 6 and drove home.

I got home at 2:30ish and laid on the couch, achy from my sun burn. I ate something and then fell asleep. Then I went upstairs and slept until my phone rang at 9:45. It was telling. Letting me know that he was home and didn’t go out because he had slept so little the night before. I was groggy and tried my best not to sound that way. He told me to feel free to come over as early as I wanted the next morning and i said okay… wait, what time is it now? and he said, "almost ten." and I said, "i might come over now." and he said that was fine, he was going to jump in the shower. So i hung up the phone jumped into the shower and left the house at 10:15. It took longer then ever to get to South Hadley, it was raining really REALLY hard. I called when I got there and he let me in, told me he had been sleeping. I said that was fine and we went and laid on the couch. After about 15 or 20 minutes he says, "im going to pass out on you again…" and i said that was fine and he drifted off.

The next day we hung around the house and then drove to east longmeadow to watch the softball game. After the game, Nate, myself, Steve, Bill, and Kyle all hung around in the parking lot and had some beers. Then we moved it to Mike’s old house again and just hung around and chatted (only mike, steve, and nate and i went to mike’s). I was really tired for some reason so Nate and I left around 9:30 and drove back to his place where we proceeded to drink more. I again stayed the night and went home Monday morning for work.

Nate used to own a house in Ware… he had bought it for his ex-fiancee and himself… obviously things fell through and he’s been trying to sell it for about a year now. The closing was supposed to be the 28th but they moved it up to this Friday (tomorrow the 19th).

So i told him that I would come out and help him get shit done. So Tuesday after work i drove the 50 minutes to south hadley and then followed Nate for another 35-40 minutes to Ware. The house was beautiful. There was this room in the back of the house that was all polished wood with a small pellet stove in the corner… my favorite room in the house. The three bedrooms were on the small side and the bathroom was okay. The living room had some bad wall paper and the kitched was WAY too small and poorly lit. So we cleaned up what we could and filled our cars with stuff. When we were going to leave I hugged Nate and kissed his neck, asking if he was okay. He said he was fine so we hopped in our cars and left. I texted him while we were driving and said, "You don’t have to be so macho. I know it hurts. But this chapter ends and a better one will begin soon…" And i hesitated on sending it but i did. My phone vibrates a couple of minutes later and i figure it was Nate texing me back, but he was calling me. He told me that he really wasn’t upset about it, it was more of a weight lifted off his shoulders. Then we just bantered about different things… and then he let me go because A) he was driving in front of me and B) we’d be back at the house in a few minutes. We unloaded our cars and brought everything into his apartment and down to the basement. He asked if I was staying the night and I said I was now, if he was offering. So I stayed the night and drove home the next morning.

On the way home, I screamed at 95 on the mass pike… then I got pulled over in this town called Lenox next to where I live and got a warning. 60 in a 45. Thank god. I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket nor do i need one with this court shit hanging over my head from the accident.

Last night, Wednesday, I did the same thing. Went out there after work and Nate and I went to the house in Ware. But he only had a truck full of garbage, so i really didnt need to waste the gas…


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June 18, 2009

That was, semi-eventful

June 18, 2009

I miss you always darling.. I sit, on early mornings and wonder what you are up to.. are you waking up, getting in the shower.. are you already up and heading out? My mind wanders to you all the time and at times, as of lately mostly, I wonder if I ever had the strength to leave.. if I would run to you.. Then again I couldn’t burden you with my mess.. and rather, I wouldn’t want todo that to you.. you deserve so much more.. I miss you.. why is that so hard to just say? I miss you.. nothing else.. I just miss you…

June 19, 2009

Sunburn is the worst, hope that’s healing well. Also, awesome you didn’t get a ticket. I hate cops.

June 19, 2009

Moving huh.. I know how fun that can be.. Honey if I could afford to come get a way for a while I would.. but I can’t, and I’ve got baggage for a least another year. I can’t go without my son.. and I can’t afford to take him with me. I wish you only lived a breath away.. sometimes, I pretend you do.. I miss you.. I’m not going to lie and say I’m sorry about you and derek.. I’m happythat you finally made a stand and found your inner strength. You weren’t happy there. I have my times that I am happy here.. I have them often.. However, I have my moments.. but it can’t rain all the time right? Some day.. I’m coming… someday soon…

July 17, 2009

Thank you for your note, we’re still debating what to call her. We’ll get there soon though :O)

July 22, 2009

someone is dead.

hi baby 🙂

well drop me a line every now and then. i miss you 🙁