
 Is there someone in your life you know you’d be better without?:   Derek, I’m sure.

Have you ever witnessed abuse in your friend’s family?:  Not that I can think of.

Do you ditch school a lot?: No, I was studious. 

What do you like about your display picture?: Well, I DISLIKE that it is blurry. But it is my favorite piece by one of my favorite artists, Luis Royo.

How much did you weigh when you were born?:  7 pounds and change I think.

Did you kiss the last person you called?:  I haven’t, no.

When was the last time you danced?: Last night. White girl dancing to techno.

Do you keep in mind of other people’s feelings?: Only my good friends.

Are any of your friends pregnant?: Yes, Starfish with number 3.

Who do you want to forget?: A few people…

Who was the last person to send you a letter?: Sarah

How much money is in your wallet?: About 6 dollars.

When’s the last time you did laundry?: Sunday.

How far have you gotten with the book you are reading?:  I’ve been halfway through Haunted: A Novel by Chuck Palahniuk for about a year.

Who did you last tell to shut up?: Probably Bumpy or Diva.

What’s the last thing that you smelled that smelled bad?: This beef jerky is pretty rank.

Who were you with last night?:  Gurdek, Humpy, Casey, Shannon, Ski and a few others.

What’s your favorite book at the moment?: The Manhattan Hunt Club by John Saul.

What’s your favorite cereal?: Trix <3

Could you live without sunlight?: Yes.

What’s something you know is bad but you want to do it anyway?: Smoking, drinking, etc.

Who is your number 2 speed dial?: I just checked. No one.

Do you regret anything you’ve done in the past week?: This week has been perfect.

What was the last movie you bought?: Ninth Gate.

What color is your underwear?: White.

What is a sport you would like to do?: Eh…

When was the last time you felt like crying?: Last Sunday. But tears of joy.

Have you ever wanted to kill someone?: Yes.

What was the last song you listened to that wasn’t sung in English?: Not sure.

What did you last draw?: No idea.

What tv show would you like to be on?:  Mmmm Nip/Tuck.

Is Chuck Norris really as great as he seems?: Don’t look me in the eyes when you speak that name.

What was the last video game you played?: Zelda: Link to the Past for SNES

Have you ever been in a musical?: No. Backstage in middle school plays.

Do you follow your own style or everyone else’s?: Mine.

What’s the last store you bought from?: Walmart I think.

Do people use you a lot?: Too often.

What are you doing two days from now?: Monday. Back to the grind.

Are there any teachers at your school that dislike you?: I don’t think so.

Did you ever believe there were monsters in your closet?: I don’t remember.

Did you let random people sign your yearbook?: No one signed my yearbook at all.

Would you adopt a child that had a mental illness?:

 Honestly, I would not.

Does thinking about death scare you?: Sometimes.

If you died, would you go to heaven or hell?: I always say I’ll be driving the bus but… I like to secretly think I’m a good person.

Do you lick envelopes or tape them shut?: Li-li-lick.

Do you care what people say or think about you?: Unfortunately, yes. But I pretend not to.

Have you ever had surgery?: Kind of…

Have you ever been threatened?: Yes.

Which side of your family do you get most of your qualities from?: My dad’s side even though none of them are really around.

What was the last thing you drank?: Pepsi Max with Lime. I approve.

Have you ever kept a relationship a secret?:  I think what I have going on now is a little hush hush among friends.

Who’s the last person you called a creeper?: Diva today! Haha

What street do you live on?:  Michael Drive.

What is a quote that you love?: "Be sure your sin will find you out."

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